最初由 myrion 发布
慘~~偶不會使用digital camera 不過最近有買一台來玩玩的打算:):)
不知道那一個牌子比較好呢 推薦一下吧~~
好吃又好玩 真羨慕你們@_@~~
關於digital camera, 可以到這裡看看.
http://www.dpreview.com/上面的review, 可算是歎為觀止的.
Hm.. somehow it's inconvenient to talk about such stuffs in Chinese... :P For digital cameras, it's mainly a trade-off between size and functionality (mainly megapixal and zoom). Personally, I really prefer a very small one so that I can take it with me easily (esp. when hiking). That's why I chose Canon S110 (IXUS v) about 1.5 years ago.
Most of my friends also use Canon. Some of them use Sony. But I guess you should choose the model, instead of the brand. You also might want to consider the type of memory card used. E.g. , I don't like Sony's because they use memory sticks instead of compactflash.
Digital camera is fun. You'll find yourself taking a lot more photos because the variable cost is essentially zero. It's also convenient that you don't need to develop the films.
You can check the price at
www.shopper.comWhen you have decided the model, you can check some more price search engines and some 'deals' sites too. (these stuffs are usually cheaper on-line)