but there is a 30 minute promo CD for the 2007 movie at the moment containing 11 tracks from the upcoming score OST
-Track 1 was during Blackout's attack on SOCCENT Qatar, specifically when he's attempting to hack into their server. The end of the clip is when he begins throwing burning tanks into the sky.
-Track 2 was right when the CV-22 Ospreys carrying Lennox's Ranger team land at SOCCENT Qatar
-Track 4 was heard when the Pentagon orders Strike Package Bravo to attack Scorponok, and the military lingo sequence that follows
-Track 8 was heard when Sam watches Bumblebee being frozen by Sector 7, and he runs out, pushing away the cryo-units.
-Track 9 was during the helicopter trip to Hoover Dam
And finally, I believe Track 12 was during the sequence where Megatron gets shot up by the Raptors and Lennox's men.