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[翻译][转帖]Ameircan Expo 99对菅野洋子的访谈

级别: 工作组
American Expo 99- interview with YK
——Ameircan Expo 99对菅野洋子的访谈

Translated by Cherrypony

AX: How did you get started doing music for animation? Did you want to do it or did some director or producer ask you to do it?
YK: They just asked me. I didn't want to do animation because I don't know animation and I don't like to see TV shows. Even now, I only see my work, not other animation.


AX: Are there any hidden skills or hobbies that we don't know of besides your music?
YK:I used to take ballet lessons so I'm pretty good at choreography.


AX: The music on both your solo albums and your soundtracks, there's such a wonderful blend of so many styles of music. How were you exposed to so many styles of music living in Japan?
YK:In Japan, various genres of music that are reflected in my work are already played on the airwaves in the forms of commercials and whatnot so I was exposed to it. Especially in Tokyo.


AX: Things like choir music and blues guitars, things of that nature?
YK:I remember a lot of the styles if I listen to it once. So if I'm ever exposed to it once, that's how I do it.


AX: What challenges does composing for anime have that are different from live action or your personal compositions?
YK:There is no difference. Usually you'd think that you'd be bound to the limitation in the animation, but I don't feel that way. I feel it's the same.


AX: Even in terms of timing?


AX: Recently Sunrise made the announcement of the Escaflowne Movie. How's the music going to contrast to what was in the TV series?
YK:I haven't thought of it yet because I haven't gotten the plot script for the movie yet.


AX: So the music hasn't been started yet?
YK:Well... [laughing] A couple of the songs will be similar to the TV series, but the music hasn't been started yet.


AX: From what I saw and heard of your performances at Otakon, it was more jazz piano than anything else. Are there jazz performers in the US that you have learned from or would enjoy playing with as part of a combo?
YK:I don't know that many jazz composers, but I would like to play with Pat Methany.

YK:我认识的爵士作曲家没有那么多,不过我想与Pat Methany合作。

AX: You say you watch the visuals for your normal compositions. What do you have for inspiration for your compositions?
YK:I usually look at the visuals or the plot of the thing, but sometimes I imagine myself dancing along to the tune that I'm creating, or for like the more military-like things, I imagine a military parade inside of my eyes and sometimes I get a little serious about my composing and I start crying as a result.


(译者: military parade可以翻译成阅兵式或部队列队前进,但之所以这里翻成列队前进是因为我认为,菅野洋子的音乐中没有发现能与阅兵礼相匹配的比较规整的,反映军队威风凛凛的仪仗式行进曲,她典型的战争音乐反映的是比较强烈甚至激烈的情感,比如激战正酣([Macross Plus] Dog Fight)或辉煌胜利([Turn A Gundam OST2] White Falcon),抑或是临战前的紧张行进([狼雨OST2] 死の森),情感起伏相当大,旋律极富戏剧性。当然这些动画我都没看过,全凭自己的感觉去揣测音乐所描绘的画面和菅野想象的场景。但不管怎么说,阅兵式是假作的威风、安全的演示(是一种display),阅兵式上典型的军乐是比较轮回式和服务性的(比如久石让在红猪中所做的两首进行曲),少有跌宕起伏的旋律,个人认为比较有势无气,与真实激烈的描绘还是有距离的。在这里,我认为与菅野所描述的场景比较符合的是[狼雨OST2] 中的死の森,一方面我对它比较偏爱,另一方面,看到菅野洋子所述的情景,直觉上第一浮现的画面就是死の森,菅野洋子在其中还加入了军队行进的脚步声,使其画面感极其强烈。建议大家可以根据《死の森》一曲来理解菅野的这句话。)

AX: Since this is your first Anime Expo, what are your impressions or what do you think of AX and do you have any plans on coming to the next one or, in the near future, another one?
YK:I would like to come again if my schedule permits. In Japan, most of the people are too shy to say what they think is good, but in the case of the Americans here at Expo, they weren't too shy to say what they liked and they weren't afraid to have a standing ovation. It gave me a lot of courage and power. And I don't know how I got so famous.


AX: You've done a lot of compositions, have you ever sung vocally yourself in the past or on any of your songs?
YK:Uh, me? I can't tell you. [laugh] It's top secret. Just imagine.


AX: For all of the soundtracks you have done for anime, there is such a large amount of music, like several CDs for each series. Do you get to decide which songs go on which CDs and is there a lot of music that you compose for a series that doesn't end up on the CDs?
YK:I do all of them. I pick the song titles and also, I usually get involved in the creation of the liner notes and the jacket cover.



AX: Is there a lot that is not included at all on any of the CDs?
YK:There is a lot.



AX: What is your work schedule like?
YK:In a given week, since I do a lot of commercials, I have about 2 or 3 commercial songs that have to be created. I have meetings with the advertisers and I go and record the piece and then I make a demo tape out of it for the 2 or 3 commercials per week. Most of the time that I don't spend on the commercials, I spend on the one big other title, because I only select one anime piece or other piece, one per year, so I have the meetings and the recordings for that to fill my spare time.


AX: Well, since you don't like anime, what kind of movies do you watch or like, besides David Lynch?
YK:Well, I haven't seen enough of David Lynch's stuff to have a mass following. Most of the time, I don't go out to see movies and I don't watch TV shows. I would rather go out on walks or travel around.

AX:那么,既然你不喜欢动画,除了David Lynch,你还看或者欣赏什么样的电影呢?
YK:嗯,我看的David Lynch的电影不多,不算铁杆爱好者。大多数时间,我不出去看电影也不看电视节目。我宁可外出散步或旅游。

AX: Would you ever considered doing music for non-anime movies?
YK:I have already made soundtracks for two movies in Japan. But nobody knows them. [laughs]


AX: I've loved your music since I heard it in Macross Plus. But it took me by surprise cause after Macross Plus, you did Escaflowne. I was like "Oh, that sounds like Yoko Kanno." Brainpowrd. "That sounds like Yoko Kanno." Then Cowboy Bebop came along and it was... "THAT'S Yoko Kanno?!?" The change, the different side of your music, was that something that the creators expressed that they wanted you to go into or is that how you saw the story?
YK:The Director of Cowboy Bebop is very keen on the music scene but he didn't give any direction on where I should go. He learned working with me on Macross Plus that I don't follow his orders even if he gave any.

AX:自从在Macross Plus中听到了你的音乐,我就喜欢上它了。不过你让我大吃一惊,因为在Macross Plus之后,你创作了Escaflowne,我的反应是“哦,那听上去像菅野洋子。”,听了Brain Powerd,“那听上去像菅野洋子。”然后听了Cowboy Bebop…“这是菅野洋子!?”这种转变,也就是你音乐的不同侧面,是创作者要求你达到的还是你就是如此理解这故事的?
YK:Cowboy Bebop的导演对音乐场景非常着迷,但他并没有指导我该怎么做。在与我共同制作Macross Plus时他了解到,即使他给了我指示,我也不会听从的。

AX: The previous question alluded to your growth musically through Macross Plus to Cowboy Bebop. We can obviously hear the changes, but how would you describe your musical growth?
YK:I'd be troubled if I didn't see any growth. But at the same time, I feel that I'm still not at the level that I can be.

AX:前一个问题间接提到了,从Macross Plus到Cowboy Bebop你在音乐方面的进步。我们明显能听出转变,不过你是如何形容你的音乐成长的呢?

AX: What level do you hope to be at?
YK:Now, it's very low for me. In my head, more and more beautiful and cool music is in my brain, but I can't express it.


AX: When you have worked with the different groups that you have worked with over the years, like with Macross Plus you worked with the Israel Philharmonic, how involved do you get with the direction of those groups?
YK:I start by asking the group that I want to play with. When they get the actual music, I will actually be in the orchestra or be playing with them or directing so that I actually gets my expressionism through to the music group. I feel that many of the male composers in Japan are too shy so that they can't just go into the orchestra to play with them or directing for them, so that they just usually just send the music and that's it.

AX:在这么多年里,你与好几个不同的乐团合作,比如你与以色列爱乐乐团合作演奏Macross Plus,你如何指导这些乐团?

(译者:久石让,川井宪次等日本作曲家不喜欢自己亲自指导国外乐团,在Japan Vibes对菅野的访谈中也提到过这点。)

AX: You use a lot of 3/4 time in your composition work. It seems that everything else is in straight 4/4. Any particular reason why? Is it a dance reason?
YK:When I started composing when I was 3 years old, the first song I did was in 3/4 time and I haven't changed since.


AX: Have you ever considered doing a tour in Japan or do you consider yourself more a composer than a performer?
YK:I feel that I'm more of a composer than a performer and I don't really like performing in front of a large audience. But I do like performing in background of another person.


AX: Macross Plus was very well received, the music, the visuals, the story and everything like that. You've also had success in your other projects as they have definitely been above average, if not the best of those areas, especially with Cowboy Bebop now. How have you done such a great job in following great anime to put your music to?
YK:I have a theory that if the anime is not too good, if you add a not too good soundtrack to it, then it would be mediocre at best. But if you put top notch music to mediocre anime that it might be better. So I try to make top notch music to any anime that I do. I have had cases where many a director was feeling more optimistic about the series because the music was so good.

AX:Macross Plus广受好评,无论是音乐,画面还是故事等等。你在一些其他作品中也获得了成功,它们即使在那个领域不是数一数二的也均属上乘之作,尤其是现在的这部Cowboy Bebop。你是怎样为这些优秀的动画配上如此美妙的音乐呢?

AX: What do you think of your music being so popular in countries far from Japan?
YK:In Japan, the anime industry is not really looked upon, in fact it's rather looked down upon, so it feels good to know that what I've been doing in the anime industry is good by getting all the positive feedback from other countries.



AX: You said several times that you've done a lot of commercial work. Could you tell us a little history on how you became a professional musician up to the point where you started doing anime soundtracks?
YK:I was a literary major in college. I quit after one week. I did some extracurricular activities in part of a pop group in college. Then I started doing the background accompaniment for a couple singers in Japan. Then the director of the group said, "You want to write some music?" And that was for a game and was my first composition. Then someone from the commercial industry, who listened to the game said, "Hey! You want to do a commercial?" Then someone in the anime industry heard the commercial said "Hey! You want to write an anime soundtrack?" Connection, connection.


(译者:几乎每个菅野的访谈都会问到同样问题,菅野洋子的回答总是出奇的一致,大概问得多了她都背熟了吧。这里说的大学就是早稻田大学。关于早稻田大学中文系,我的一个日本朋友的父母都是早大中文系毕业的(算起来比洋子大几岁吧),他说菅野洋子退学是很聪明的,他父母说早大中文系是一个乱七八糟的地方,待下去会傻掉的,别提搞什么创作了。关于流行组合,菅野洋子早年在Tetsu 100%中担任键盘手。)

AX: You've talked about commercials now a few times. How does your work on commercials influence your film scores?
YK:Because commercials have to get the attention of all ages, from little kids to elderly people, I learn a lot from making the commercials so that I can grab the hearts of everyone in such a short time.


(译者:菅野洋子在Japan Vibes访谈中讲过同样的话。)

AX: With some of your music, like in Macross Plus, there were a lot of multilingual songs. There was one song in English, one song in French, a few in Japanese. How involved do you get with the people that are writing the lyrics? For example, did you intend one of those songs to be in French?
YK:I ask the lyricists. I also ask them to put this kind of stuff in the lyrics. I nitpick a lot. Because anime is fiction, I feel that something that you just don't hear normally be presented in the lyrics, so I have a lot of weird phrases that don't make sense in my lyrics.

AX:你的一些音乐,比如在Macross Plus中,有许多歌曲使用了多种语言。有一首英文歌,一首法语歌和几首日文歌。你如何与词作者沟通?比如,你要求其中的一首歌是法文的吗?

AX: Which do you prefer doing? Songs that have lyrics or songs that are more instrumental?
YK:Both together. A mixture.


AX: You said that you like to travel a lot. Do you actually travel a lot around like to different countries or just around Japan?
YK:I go out a lot. My passport is filled with stamps, so the INS people kinda flag me every time I go back. I've been to Ireland, England, France, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Israel, America, and Mexico. That's it. Not Africa. I want to though.



AX: Are these private trips?
YK:Yes, all private trips.


(译者:洋子真能玩啊,她这么忙,除了去录音,哪有空私人旅行啊?…难不成她和外国乐团合作就是为了能出去旅游?…她在Japan Vibes的访谈里好像是这么说的==b)

AX: Do you have hobbies other than traveling?
YK:Playing with animals. I've been getting interested in photography as of late. I have taken a lot of pictures already as a professional photographer.



AX: You mentioned before that there's a lot of music that you write for a specific series that does not end up on the soundtracks. With any of the music that you have left over, do you ever use it again or rework it for another series? Or if not, is there any idea of possibly seeing that on it's own on a separate CD?
YK:You seem to want such a compilation. [laughs all around!] I will if I run out of materials to produce, but not for the time being.



AX: Do you have or own your own recording studio?
YK:No. [laughs]


AX: Is there any type of movie that you would like to do music for?
YK:I don't like dark feelings. It would be something lighthearted, some comedy. Maybe something involving animals. I want to do a movie that features all animals, but haven't gotten any offers.



AX: You had said that the director for Cowboy Bebop didn't ask you to do a specific type of music because he knew you didn't listen to his directions. What inspired you to take it to the 60s jazz feel that permeates Cowboy Bebop?
YK:That's from the 60s? [laughs all around] It naturally came to me... "This would be a good type of song." I didn't think about whether jazz would be good. It just came to me.

AX:你说Cowboy Bebop的导演没有要求你配某种特定风格的音乐,因为他知道你不会听从他的指示。是什么激发你的灵感,让你使Cowboy Bebop弥漫着一种六十年代的爵士气息呢?

AX: Since Bebop has a lot of English, we all read everything that comes in the English. With that there's a lot of information about Seatbelts. Is Seatbelts a fictional group or do you actually plan to do more work with those musicians?
YK:[laughs] Yeah, I want to. They're called the Seatbelts, but I have been working with that same group of people since Macross Plus and Escaflowne as well.

AX:因为Cowboy Bebop中有许多英语,我们获知的一切都是英文的,其中有许多关于Seatbelts的信息。Seatbelts是一个虚构的组合吗?你还想与这些音乐家合作更多的作品吗?
YK:(笑)是的,我想要。他们被称作Seatbelts,不过我自从Macross Plus和Escaflowne开始就与同样一组人合作了。

AX: Now the background stories about Seatbelts in the Cowboy Bebop material, did anybody pass that by you at all or talk about what they were gonna put in there?
YK:I asked them to write most of them that way.

AX:关于在Cowboy Bebop资料中Seatbelts的幕后情况,有没有人(在写的时候)干脆跳过了你或说起过他们将这样写?

AX: From your earlier reactions, you seem to not only enjoy but love travel. How does your travel, and more particularly the sounds that you might hear while traveling, influence your soundtracks?
YK:A lot of them have been influenced by it, but I travel to empty out my mind instead of filling it with knowledge.


AX: You said that a lot had been influenced. Can you give us an example?
YK:For example, in Brain Powerd, she was influenced by the bagpipes in Scotland.

YK:比如说,Brain Powerd受到了苏格兰风笛的影响。

(译者:[Brain Powerd OST1]中的Ark即使用了苏格兰风笛,配上军鼓真让人联想到[勇敢的心]中的场面啊!顺便说一句,Michi弹的Ark可真棒啊^o^)

AX: With the different music styles that you've had, we have heard the music from Macross Plus, Escaflowne, and Brain Powerd, and from the reactions of most people, the music in Cowboy Bebop is quite a departure from earlier music you had done in anime. Would you consider doing more of the jazz type music on a solo album or if another anime project comes along that calls for the same type of music?
YK:I haven't thought about making such a thing and actually, I didn't think that the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack would sell. I thought it was kinda old music so that none of the younger generation would listen to such a thing. I was very surprised that it sold so well.

AX:你做了如此风格各异的音乐,我们听了Macross Plus,Escaflowne和Brain Powerd,从大多数人的反应来看,Cowboy Bebop的音乐与你在早期的动画配乐迥然不同。你会在个人专辑中或在以后其他需要这种类型音乐的动画中创作更多的爵士乐吗?
YK:我还没想过这件事,而且事实上我觉得Cowboy Bebop的原声可能卖不掉。我认为那是比较过时的音乐,没有年轻人会喜欢。但我非常惊讶它竟然如此畅销。

AX: Back to the way you compose, do you like sit down away from everyone or do you like to have objects around that you can look at and hold?
YK:I'm usually alone when I'm composing, like I can be lying around, rolling around on the floor in my room or I can be walking outside, but I'm usually alone.


AX: So you don't force, "I've got to go in and do this!" and lock yourself in the room?
YK:No, you just need to relax. But when I write a music score, I like to go to a cafe, that's very good for me. I feel that I need a crowd around me because if no one is watching me, I feel that I'm going to procrastinate.



AX: You do commercials, music albums, anime... Do you treat all your projects the same or do you have a particular type of project that you like to work on?
YK:All the mediums like dramas, films, anime and commercials are all the same, except game music is a little different. For games, because you can't exactly do it all by yourself and because games usually have a lot of people dying. I feel that makes you feel more stupid, but that may just be me.


(译者:关于独自完成创作,菅野洋子一些早期的光荣游戏音乐是与他人合作完成的,指挥家Anthony Inglis也不喜欢这种类型的作曲(见Anthony Inglis访谈)。关于游戏音乐创作,菅野洋子在Japan Vibes访谈中说过类似的话。)


Japan Vibes访谈
Anthony Inglis访谈-YK相关

PS:这个访谈太长了,翻的时候直后悔挑了个这么长的。口语化的问答反而比文绉绉的评论更让人头疼,总觉得它的语法有许多牵强的地方= =b翻完了真是如释重负啊~同时惊叹于美国粉丝的刨根问底,菅野小姐访谈后一定很晕吧!那天我从下午翻到凌晨1点,连晚饭都忘了吃,本着认真不负责的态度偶克服了瞌睡虫和懒惰鬼,总算没半途而废啦(就差没悬梁刺股了),请大家多多指教啦,谢谢^^



级别: 工作组
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2005-09-02



级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2005-09-02



01.26.06 世界が終わるまでは...
级别: 骑士
只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2005-09-02

Brain Powered给我一点James Horner的感觉,不仅有苏格兰风,像Spark这样的曲子还挺“灾难”的。
级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2005-09-02
发句牢骚:james horner太喜欢重复自己了……

听brain powerd时,偶一般会产生这么几个意象:草原、蓝天、白云、风,以及一群在地上奔跑的少年。


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