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[原创]Life With A Suitcase

级别: 骑士
Life With A Suitcase

He is walking underneath the sky like every one of us
But he is the typical version of the story of living alone
He keeps changing the look on his face
Yet he doesn’t have a real face
He has a lot of names
Yet he doesn’t really have a name
He has homes everywhere
Yet he has no where to call home
He lives under the lame light
Walking around the hill side
Trying to fight against time
Dreaming about eternal youth and life
Trying to create the first unicorn from fairy tale
He is the friend of all famous brand names
He is the best customer of all plastic surgeon
He is living in a californication dream
By his every move and every word he is amusing everyone else
He is one of the world’s best known and unknown
Even though underneath the sky you see a brand new house
You see a fabulous new ride
You see a whole crew always accompany by
But what you see is not what you really get
All he has is a life with a suitcase that belongs to a friend of a friend
The public watching him from emerging to rising, and finally until falling down
They know him as one of the glamorous and one of the fragile
They keep talk about him and somehow forget about him
He is encouraged and is torn
He falls into pieces in front of our own eyes
Everyone cries about it yet somehow no one really cares
Coz there are still thousand of them living with no face and no name and walking underneath the sky again

Sept. 19, 2004

我是 小J !大家好!!
级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2004-09-20
Everything is nothing.....


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