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[误很大]是大势所趋,还是SG的新消息会实现 泪流满面

级别: 侠客
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Just remember this - in this country they drive on the wrong side of the road.
1) Slalom is coming to Virtual Console in the next few months.
2) Is Microsoft working on their own version of Home?
They were...six years ago. Back in 2002, there was a small team inside Microsoft working on an "application" called LiveUniverse for the Xbox, which was more or less Home, it was slated for release around the launch of Xbox Live, but the project got canceled when work on Xbox Live fell behind.
3) Yes, Onimusha 5 is coming out next year for PS3/360. So are Dead Rising 2 and Lost Planet 2.
4) Will we ever see Beetle Adventure Racing 2?
No, Beetle Adventure Racing 2 was sadly canceled when Paradigm was purchased by Infogrames.
5) Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow and God of War: Chains of Olympus will appear on PS2 by the end of the year.
6) Sony Bend has another PSP Syphon Filter title for the fall, storyline ties into some game coming out next year.
7) That epic space game from EA is a new Wing Commander.
8) One of those Rare XBLA titles stars Mr. Pants.

PS:这……希望Surfer Girl此次的消息会变为现实吧
毕竟逆移植也是当前潮流 奎爷被大势所趋啊 TAT


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