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[思考]星战怨念再爆发,TIE Fighter

级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 15楼 发表于: 2007-11-22
最初由 orange541 发布



级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 16楼 发表于: 2007-11-22
钛式战斗机 TIE fighter
机长:6.3米 Height: 6.3 meters long
厂商:西纳海军系统 Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems
型号:星际战斗机 Type:Starfighter
武器:激光炮 Weapon: Laser cannons
阵营:银河帝国 Affiliation: Empire

Bursting from Imperial hangar bays in gnat-like clouds are the standard starfighters of the Imperial arsenal ?the Twin Ion Engine craft known as the TIE starfighter.

The single-seater short-range vessel lacks a hyperdrive, and as such requires deployment from launch bases and capital ships. It features two fire-linked laser cannons chin-mounted on the ball-shaped cockpit.

TIE fighters were typically employed en masse to make up for their shortcomings. Speedy and maneuverable, these fighters are nonetheless fragile. Though hard to hit, even a glancing blow can destroy a TIE.

Though TIEs presented a formidable challenge to pirates and civilian craft, the skilled pilots of the Rebel Alliance made short work of them in combat. The Alliance workhorse, the T-65 X-wing starfighter, continually bested the TIE in numerous engagements. As the Galactic Civil War raged on, the standard TIE arsenal was supplemented with more advanced and specialized craft, such as the fearsome TIE interceptor and the dedicated TIE bomber.

During the waning years of the Republic, Republic Sienar Systems first developed the original T.I.E. fighter, the craft that was the forerunner to the standard Imperial vessel. When Palpatine cemented his rule, the rechristened Sienar Fleet Systems entered into an exclusive arrangement producing the starfighters of the Imperial Starfleet.

With this transition came the upgrated TIE, which went under continual revisions until the TIE/ln became the standard line starfighter in Imperial use.

The hexagonal solar panels supply power to a unique propulsion system. Microparticle accelerators propel Ionized gasses at a substantial fraction of lightspeed. These gasses are then expelled from rear vents to generate thrust. The ion streams can be directed along amost any vector, allowing for the TIE's incredible velocity and maneuverability. The twin ion engines have few moving parts and require comparably less maintenance to the starfighters of the Alliance.

TIE fighter units are typically organized into wings -- a grouping of 72 fighters carried aboard a Star Destroyer. These wings are subdivided into six squadrons of 12 fighters each.One of these squadrons is typically made up of TIE interceptors while another consists of TIE bombers. Each squadron consists of three flights of four fighters each. Each flight contains two elements. An element is the smallest tactical unit of starfighters ever deployed, and consists only of a leader and a wingman.

TIE production was extremely modular and automated, as the Sienar foundries churned out countless starfighters to fuel the insatiable Imperial war machine. Variant models of the basic TIE include the TIE/rc (a model with advanced sensors and communication gear for reconnaissance missions), the TIE/fc (equipped with accurate fire control and target designation for long-range naval bombardments), the TIE/gt (with an enlarged hull to delivery heavy ordnance).

The TIE fighter design was first established in a concept model by Colin Cantwell. The simplified model defined the TIE's most distinctive features -- its ball cockpit and twin hexagonal wings. Subsequent sketches built up the TIE's form. Limitations in visual effects technology at the time dictated that Cantwell's blue color scheme be replaced with a more bluescreen-friendly gray. As the classic trilogy progressed, the TIEs regained a bit of their blue hue, although use of that color was fairly muted.

The distinctive scream of a TIE fighter's engines came from sound designer Ben Burtt mixing the sound of cars streaking by on a rain-slicked highway and the trumpeting cry of an elephant.

Although literature attests that TIEs lack such pilot-friendly features as ejection seats, LucasArts' popular TIE fighter simulator game of 1995 showed that at least some Imperial units retrofitted the life saving devices into the craft. After all, it wouldn't do to have players die after every botched mission.



Developed to Darth Vader's specifications, Sienar Fleet Systems constructed the TIE Advanced x1 as a predecessor to their later cutting edge fighters, the TIE Avenger and the TIE interceptor. Like the standard TIE fighter, the x1 prototype features powerful twin laser cannons and two solar gather panels that provide power to the ship's systems. Twin ion engines propel the craft at amazing speeds.

Unlike the standard TIE/ln starfighter, the x1 had a much more robust spaceframe, with reinforced durasteel-alloy hull, providing greater protection from enemy fire and stability during strenuous maneuvers. Also, abandoning previous Imperial design policies, considerable resources were spent to make the TIE Advanced hyperspace-capable, and the fighter was even equipped with deflector shields.

In the end, the TIE Advanced proved too expensive to mass-produce. It continued to be an elite fighter craft assigned only to certain squadrons. Imperial Navy scuttlebutt has it that the higher echelons of officers were wary at promoting a starfighter with shields and hyperdrive, since it would undermine the use of capital ships as launch platforms. Rather than see the capital ship budget slashed, the TIE Advanced was sacrificed instead.

Years after the Battle of Yavin, enough TIE Advanced fighters had been produced to end up on the open market. Lando Calrissian, a private citizen of the New Republic, used a modified version of the fighter for spectator sports in the Dubrillion asteroid belt.

安宁即是谎言,激情方为王道, 我以激情换取力量,
以力量赚取权力, 以权力赢取胜利, 于胜利中超越自我, 原力任我逍遥。

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