Batman: The Dark Knight
Superman: The Man of Steel

"Unfortunately, I can't confirm The Joker origin info. Based on personal speculation from what I do know, it sounds very plausible. The only two things I know is that XXXXX mentioned at what point in the movie the bank robbery occurs, and Ledger did have Joker make-up on for the camera shot where he takes his clown mask off. However, it was obvious that the make-up did not continue down his neck and it seemed that it was to look as though the character put it on himself. Again, this is personal speculation, but knowing those two things, I think the origin [reported in the blog] is very plausible.”
"I'll say that it resembled THE CROW in that it looked like the character did it himself, but it wasn't 'THE CROW makeup' (as I look again at pictures from THE CROW, I think part of it is that Ledger's facial structure with the white makeup resembles Brandon Lee's).
名称确定为:Superman: The Man of Steel