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级别: 版主
只看该作者 60楼 发表于: 2005-05-08
最初由 sandywai 发布

Well...that's because it is 'you'(Anyway,do you think In Inuyasha's era would have something like that to read???You sounds like Kagome ask the queation of wrong era which still haven't exist/happened yet^^;;;; )From what I think In the 'POV of inuyasha",he would probably don't wanna be hurt by anyone again.But anyway,as 'if' Kagome would do that to him

I see,that's what you mean of father(Because you haven't mention that well and I though that 'father')But I still think he's a chess player or the commandar in chess more than both 'monk' and 'father'(Imagine an evil father speaking and doing good seed for people but on the back he is working with Satin...That also doesn't really sounds like Naraku...Cynicism...cultivating virtues of making misfortune/tragedy/disaster in order to make himself happiness???That also means that there's something he's workship with if he is a father...That also doesn't sounds like Naraku.If that's the case I'd think of a werid/crazy though that he is an evil God,he sent his flash to make misfortune,he used people's heart to hate each other,one of his frash drain the soul out in order to control people,that sounds more lika it)

But anyway,in my opinion:He used his frash(Or even Sesshumaru had been use by him) make a trap of making himself stronger,to attack Inuyasha,when there's something he himself to deal he'd always think of a backup way to escape,if it desn't work he used his frash or even people/monster to sacrifice in order to save himself, that really sounds like a chess player

Thx for ur post, but I am sorry that I have to stop this discussion.
That truism is all over the world, it is not related to any era.
And I still don't think you read that post in order to understand the group named 'Cynicism'.
Commandar? If possible I'd like call him 'commando', just a kuso, don't care for that.
Nice chating, lady