无安全问题 我爸爸的出生地 我妈妈的出生地 我的小学校名 我的中学校名 我最喜欢的运动 我最喜欢的歌曲 我最喜欢的电影 我最喜欢的颜色 自定义问题
引用 最初由 myrion 发布很多學校的master program都是設計專門針對cpa考試的好像每一州的資格都不太一樣 加州似乎要修滿150 credits(not sure)好不好考偶不清楚 偶不是專唸會計的:p:p一共考四科:o:o
引用 最初由 jingwen 发布Novia, not everyone has to go to a superb school to make one's life extraordinary. We want to be happy and to live our life, not when we about to die, we look back and find that we have not lived. According to your self-reported English proficiency, staying in SUNY may be a good choice for u. Don't make things so hard for urself. Knowing how much u weight and don't take on the things that you know you can't handle. Self-evaluation's quality is very important in your life.
引用 最初由 JanusWang 发布Novia, SUNY, SUNY! Hopefully I will visit there this summer. God bless me to have funding for 2005-2006, or I can not pay for the trip
引用 你也打算念grad school的吗?~~~~~~
引用 最初由 JanusWang 发布还有就是很多东西,你现在觉得喜欢,学了一阵子也许就烦了;还有一些,开始没兴趣,学着学着会觉得其实也不错。现在热门的,也许以后就冷了。谁都说不好以后的事情。如果有条件,还是选一个自己能长久坚持下来的major吧。
引用 最初由 jingwen 发布Actually, I am really interested in humanity subjects, but in the other hand, I am also very good at math and science. I am good at math and science not because I love them but I have a good way to learn them. Among all the engineering majors, EE has the broadest way, but again I don't like programming and the CS course that I am taking now. I have been informed that EE involves a lot programming stuff~~seiyafan, studing in the School of Industrial and Labor Relation doesn't mean that I want to stay poor. it is easy to go from ILR to business school or law school. And as I am thinking about graduate school, if I don't choose EE, I probably will choose law.
引用 最初由 jingwen 发布楼上的那个改编的quote不得不让人产生联想。哈哈。Liz, yea, I'm thinking about the same thing, such as major in pre-law but take more than required math and science courses in college. I think doing math and science is a good way to train your brain and creativity.