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[聊天]聖剣の刀鍛冶 #07“我老家有句話,不工作不賺錢的人,死吧”[升望X福原香織]

级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 60楼 发表于: 2009-11-17
最初由 怪蜀黍 发布


准确来说是对原作有爱:D 动画现在感觉不失不过而已
级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 61楼 发表于: 2009-11-17

级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 62楼 发表于: 2009-11-17
最初由 怪蜀黍 发布

有啊 台版出到4卷 5卷刚有人在开坑翻
不过其实前1 2卷剧情都相对一般 到3卷个人感觉才真正好看了起来
级别: 侠客
只看该作者 63楼 发表于: 2009-11-17
最初由 Gottdrache 发布

中世纪即使女骑士也不会刻意去造那样的外形,相对会把胸甲造大,然后垫海棉或亚麻:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 64楼 发表于: 2009-11-17
最初由 looker3000 发布




乃的签名已经被阿姆斯特朗旋风喷射加速式阿姆斯特朗炮摧残蹂躏了(~ ̄Д ̄)~

by phantom_14 Dec.16
级别: 骑士
只看该作者 65楼 发表于: 2009-11-17

* 1600 B.C. - Ahhotep I fought the Hyskos. She was buried with military medals symbolizing her valor in battle.[1]
* 1200s B.C. - Lady Fu Hao consort of the Chinese emperor Wu Ding, led 3,000 men into battle[2] during the Shang Dynasty. Fu Hao had entered the royal household by marriage and took advantage of the semi-matriarchal slave society to rise through the ranks.[3] Fu Hao is known to modern scholars mainly from inscriptions on Shang Dynasty oracle bone artifacts unearthed at Yinxu.[4]In these inscriptions she is shown to have led numerous military campaigns. The Tu fought against the Shang for generations until they finally were defeated by Fu Hao in a single decisive battle. Further campaigns against the neighbouring Yi, Qiang, and Ba followed, the latter is particularly remembered as the earliest recorded large scale ambush in Chinese history. With up to 13,000 troops and the important generals Zhi and Hou Gao serving under her, she was the most powerful military leader of her time.[5] This highly unusual status is confirmed by the many weapons, including great battle-axes, unearthed from her tomb.[6]
* 1200s B.C. - Deborah, Judge of Israel, traveled with Barak, who led her army, on a military campaign in Qedesh, according to Judges 4:6‑10. [7][8]
* 1200s B.C. - Jael assassinated Sisera, a retreating general who was the enemy of the Israelites, according to Judges 5:23-27.[9]
* 1200-1000 B.C. roughly - The Rigveda (RV 1 and RV 10) mentions a female warrior named Vishpala, who lost a leg in battle, had an iron prosthesis made, and returned to warfare.[10]
* 1000s B.C. - According the legendary history of Britain, Queen Gwendolen fought her husband, Locrinus, in battle for the throne of Britain. She defeated him and became the monarch.[11] [12]
* 700s B.C. - According the legendary history of Britain, Queen Cordelia, on whom the character in Shakespeare's King Lear is based, battled her nephews for control of her kingdom, personally fighting in battle.[13]
* Late Ninth century B.C.-Eighth century B.C. - Shammuramat ruled Assyria.[14] She may have been the inspiration for the legendary warrior queen Semiramis.[15]
* 740 B.C. - Approximate time of the reign of Zabibe, an Arabian queen who led armies.[16]
* 720 B.C. - Approximate time of the reign of Samsi, an Arabian queen who may have been the successor of Zabibe.[17] She revolted against Tiglath-Pileser III.[18]
* Sixth century B.C. through Fourth century B.C. - Women are buried with weapons as well as jewelry on the Kazakhstan-Russia border at roughly this time.[19]
* 530 B.C. - Historian Herodotus,[20] recorded that queen Tomyris of the Massagetae fought and defeated Cyrus the Great.[21]
* 510 B.C. - Greek poet, Telesilla, defended the city of Argos by rallying women to battle with war songs.[22]
* 506 B.C.Cloelia, a Roman girl[23] who was given as a hostage to the Etruscans, escaped her captors and led several others to safety.[24]
* Fifth century B.C. - The Lady of Yue trained the soldiers of the army of King Goujian of Yue.[25]
* Fifth century B.C. - Greek historian, Herodotus,[26] described the Amazons.[27]
* 480 B.C. - Artemisia I of Caria, Queen of Halicarnassus, participated in the Battle of Salamis.[28]
* 480 B.C. - Greek diver, Hydna, and her father sabotaged enemy ships before a critical battle, thus causing the Greeks to win.[29]
* 460 B.C.-370 B.C. - Approximate lifetime of Hippocrates, [30] who wrote of the Sauromatae, Scythian women fighting battles.[31]
* 403 B.C.-221 B.C. - During the Warring States period of China,[32] Sun Tzu, wrote a contemporary report of how Ho Lu, King of Wu, tested his skill by ordering him to train an army of 180 women.[33]
* Fourth century B.C. - Amage, a Sarmatian queen, attacked a Scythian prince who was making incursions onto her protectorates. She rode to Scythia with 120 warriors, where she killed his guards, his friends, his family, and ultimately, killed the prince in a duel.[34][35]
* Fourth century B.C. - Cynane, a half-sister to Alexander the Great, accompanied her father on a military campaign and killed an Illyrian leader named Caeria in hand-to-hand combat.[36]
* Fourth century B.C. - Pythagorean philosopher, Timycha, was captured by Sicilian soldiers during a battle. She and her husband were the only survivors. She is admired for her defiance after capture, because while being questioned by the Sicilian tyrant, she bit off her tongue and spat it at his feet.[37]
* Fourth century B.C. - Chinese statesman Shang Yang wrote The Book of Lord Shang, [38] in which he recommended dividing the members of an army into three categories; strong men, strong women, and the weak and old of both sexes. He recommended that the strong men serve as the first line of defence, that the strong women defend the forts and build traps, and that the weak and elderly of both sexes control the supply chain. He also recommended that these three groups not be intermingled, on the basis that doing so would be detrimental to morale.[39]
* Fourth century B.C. - Roxana was captured during a battle by Alexander the Great. She eventually married him.[40]
* 334 B.C. - Ada of Caria allied with Alexander the Great and led the siege to reclaim her throne.[41]
* 333 B.C. - In the Battle of Issus, Stateira II and her family were captured by Alexander the Great, whom she eventually married. [42]
* 332 B.C. - The Nubian queen, Candace of Meroe, intimidated Alexander the Great with her armies and her strategy while confronting him, causing him to avoid Nubia, instead heading to Egypt.[43]: According to Pseudo-Callisthenes [44] [43] However, Pseudo-Callisthenes is not considered a reliable source, and it is possible that the entire event is fiction. [45] More reliable historical accounts indicate that Alexander never attacked Nubia and never attempted to move farther south than the oasis of Siwa in Egypt.[46]
* 330 B.C. - Alexander the Great burned down Persepolis, reportedly at the urging of Thaïs, a hetaera who accompanied him on campaigns.[47]
* 320s B.C.Cleophis surrendered to Alexander the Great after he laid siege her city.[48] [49]
* 318 B.C. - Eurydice III of Macedon fought Polyperchon and Olympias.[50]
* 315 B.C.-308 B.C. - Cratespolis commanded an army of mercenaries and forced cities to submit to her. [51]
* Late Fourth century B.C. through early Third century B.C. - Amastris, wife of Dionysius of Heraclea, conquered four settlements and united them into a new city-state, named after her. [52]
* Early Third century B.C. - Legendary Empress Jingu of Japan may have led an invasion against Korea at this time, however, the story is regarded as fictional by many scholars.[53]
* Early Third century B.C. - Huang Guigu acted as a military official under Qin Shi Huang. She led military campaigns against the people of northern China.[54] [55]
* Third century B.C. - Berenice I of Egypt fought in battle alongside Ptolemy I.[56]
* Third century B.C. - Spartan princess Arachidamia acted as captain of a group of women warriors who fought Pyrrhus during his siege of Lacedaemon.[57]
* Third century B.C. - Graves of women warriors buried at during this period were found near the Sea of Azov.[58]
* Third century B.C. - Queen Berenice II participated in battle and killed several of her enemies.[56]
* Third century - Laodice I fought Ptolemy III Euergetes.[59]
* Third century B.C. - Queen Teuta of Illyria began piracy against Rome. She eventually fought against Rome when they tried to stop the piracy.[60]
* 296 B.C. - Leontium, an Epicurean philosopher, heroically obtained food for her fellow Epicureans during a siege of Athens by Demetrius the City-Taker, saving them from the fate of many Athenians, who starved to death.[22]
* 280 B.C. - Chelidonis, a Spartan princess, commanded her woman warriors on the wall of Sparta during a siege. She fought with a rope tied around her neck so that she would not be taken alive.[61]
* 279 B.C. - During the Gallic Invasion of Greece a large Gallic force entered Aetolia. Women and the elderly joined in its defense.[62]
* 272 BC When Pyrrhus attacked [of Sparta#The 3rd century BCE|Sparta], the women of the city assisted in the defense.
* 271 B.C. - A group of Gothic women who were captured by Romans while fighting in the same garb as their male peers, were paraded through Rome wearing signs that said, "Amazons".[63]
* 217 B.C. - Arsinoe III of Egypt accompanied Ptolemy IV at the Battle of Raphia. When the battle went poorly, she appeared before the troops and exhorted them to fight to defend their families. She also promised two minas of gold to each of them if they won the battle, which they did.[64]
* 205 B.C. - Sophonisba, a Carthaginian, committed suicide rather than be handed over to the Romans as a prisoner of war.[65]
* Second century B.C. - Queen Stratonice convinced Docimus to leave his stronghold, and her forces took him cative.[66]
* 186 B.c> - Chiomara, a Gaul princess, was captured in a battle between Rome and Gaul and was raped by a centurion. After a reversal she later ordered him killed and beheaded by her companions. She then delivered his head to her husband.[67]
* 170 B.C. - Meroitic queen Candace Shenakdahkete ruled Nubia. A wall painting on a chapel in Meroe depicts her wearing a helmet and spearing her enemies.[68]
* Second century B.C. - Hypsicratea, a concubine, fought in battles alongside of Mithridates VI of Pontus.[69]
* Second century B.C. - Queen Rhodogune of Parthia was informed of a rebellion while preparing for her bath. She vowed not to brush her hair until the rebellion was ended. She waged a long war to suppress the rebellion, and won it without breaking her vow.[70]
* 138 B.C. - The Roman, Sextus Junius Brutus found that in Lusitania the women were "fighting and perishing in company with the men with such bravery that they uttered no cry even in the midst of slaughter". He also noted that the Bracari women were "bearing arms with the men, who fought never turning, never showing their backs, or uttering a cry."[71]
* 102 B.C. - A battle between Romans and the Teutonic Ambrones at Aquae Sextiae took place during this time. Plutarch described that "the fight had been no less fierce with the women than with the men themselves... the women charged with swords and axes and fell upon their opponents uttering a hideous outcry."[72]
* 101 B.C. - General Marius of the Romans fought the Teutonic Cimbrians. Cimbrian women followed the men in battle, shooting arrows from mobile "wagon castles", and occasionally left the wagon castles to fight with swords. Marius reported that when the battle went poorly for the men, the women emerged from their wagon castles with swords and threatened their own men to ensure that they would continue to fight. After reinforcements arrived for the Romans, the Cimbrian men all were killed, but the women continued to fight. When the Cimbrian women saw that defeat was imminent, they killed their children and committed suicide rather than be taken as captives.[73]
* First century B.C. - Nubian queen Amanishabheto reigned over Kush or Nubia. A depiction of her on a pylon tower of a chapel shows her striking the shoulders of prisoners with her lance.[74]
* 48 B.C. - Arsinoe IV of Egypt fought Cleopatra VII.[75]
* 42 B.C. - Fulvia, wife of Mark Antony, organized an uprising against Augustus.[76]
* 31 B.C. - Cleopatra VII of Egypt combined her naval forces with those of Mark Antony to fight Octavian. She was defeated and retreated to Egypt.[77]
* First century A.D. - The tomb of a woman warrior was found in Tabriz, Iran. The tomb was discovered in 2004 and included a sword.[78]
* First century A.D. - Agrippina the elder accompanies Germanicus to war.[79]
* First century A.D. - Cartimandua, queen of the Brigantes, allied with the Roman Empire and battled other Britons.[68]
* First century A.D. - Agrippina the Younger, wife of Emperor Claudius, commanded Roman legions in Britain. The defeated Celtic captives bowed before her throne and ignored that of the emperor.[80]
* First century A.D.: The historian, Tacitus, wrote that Triaria, wife of Lucius Vitellius the younger, was accused of having armed herself with a sword and behaved with arrogance and cruelty while at Tarracina, a captured city.[81] [82]
* 9 A.D. - Thusnelda eloped with Arminius, triggering Arminius to begin an insurrection against her father when he accused him of carrying her off.[83]
* 14-18 - A Chinese woman Lu Mu led a rebellion against Wang Mang.[84]
* 21 - Debate erupted as to whether or not the wives of Roman governors should accompany their husbands in the providences. Caecina Serverus said that they should not, because they "paraded among the soldiers" and that "a woman had presided at the exercises of the cohorts and the manoeuvres of the legions".[85]
* 40-43 - The Trung Sisters and Phung Thi Chinh fought against the Chinese in Vietnam.[86]
* 60-61 - Boudica, a Celtic chieftain in Britain, led a massive uprising against the occupying Roman forces.[87] The Romans attempted to raise the morale of their troops by informing them that her army contained more women than men. [88]
* 63 - Tacitus wrote in his Annals that women of rank entered the gladitorial arena.[89]
* 69-70 - Veleda of the Germanic, Bructeri tribe wielded a great deal of influence in the Batavian rebellion. She was acknowledged as a strategic leader, a priestess, a prophet, and as a living deity. [90]
* 100 - Juvenal recorded a gladiator named Eppia who left her husband and children to pursue an affair with a fellow gladiator.[91]
* Second century - Polyaenus described Queen Tania of Dardania, who took the throne after the death of her husband and went into battle riding in a chariot.[92]
* 195 - Julia Domna accompanied her husband, Emperor Septimius Severus, in his campaigns in Mesopotamia.[93]
* Third Century - Zenobia, the queen of Palmyra, led a revolt in the East against the Roman Empire.[94]
* 248 - Trieu Thi Trinh fought the Chinese in Vietnam. Her army contained several thousand men and women.[86]
* Third century: Two women warriors from the Danube region in Europe, described as Amazons, served in a Roman military unit and are buried in Britain.[95]
* Fourth century - As military commander for the Emperor of China, Li Xiu took her father's place and defeated a rebellion.[96]
* 375 - Queen Mavia battled the Romans.[97]
* 378 - Roman Empress Albia Dominica organized her people in defense against the invading Goths after her husband had died in battle.[98]
* 450 - A Moche woman was buried with two ceremonial war clubs and twenty-eight spear throwers. The South American grave is discovered in 2006, and is the first known grave of a Moche woman to contain weapons.[99]

级别: 侠客
只看该作者 66楼 发表于: 2009-11-17
最初由 临界线 发布

准确来说是对原作有爱:D 动画现在感觉不失不过而已


级别: 侠客
只看该作者 67楼 发表于: 2009-11-17
最初由 ROLL 发布


级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 68楼 发表于: 2009-11-17
……楼上这张很有爱 收了

TID's Lab

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