你、你们居然把纯洁的 Rosiel 大人说成这样……其实比起“自恋”,Rosiel是在自我厌恶……他对"monster"一词的反应不就很能说明问题吗?而且在感情上很不坦率!
个人好喜欢以下这段我所看过的漫画中最离奇的“表白”(?)~ b
ROCIEL: ...I have one question..!...am I...beautiful....?
KATAN: Yes...as if not from this world...that highest radiance of Rociel-sama will never fade in the future and shall burn eternal.
ROCIEL: Say it more...those words have no meaning unless it is from you. It can't be anyone else!! Say it so that I cannot hear anyone else's voice!! Repeat it...
KATAN: You are beautiful...!
ROCIEL: More!! Say it with more passion.
KATAN: There is no one in this world as beautiful as you
ROCIEL: Say it more as if it is a storm! More!!
KATAN: The waving hair that shines like crystal and the pearl-white skin is all...
KATAN: It is all right...I will never go anywhere.
不过 Rosiel 对亲情和爱情倒真的是不分的(个人认为)~但是人家都只停留在精神上而已,哪像刹那那混蛋……