最初由 myrion 发布
第一次聽到這種事 也許學校只是剛好挑星期五出去教學吧
官方婚介所是什麼東東 說來聽聽~~:):)
i didn't! it's really the school's intention and they chose valentine's day purposely. there's even a booth selling roses and providing the service of sending the flowers if the guy is too shy to do it himself...
and during the talent-time concert, a band was screaming, "come on baby.." "i love youuuuuuuu~~~~~" etc.. my muslim classmate complained,"it's really too loose.." :D
and if myrion had heard all the comlaints about low fertility rate in singapore, esp among the chinese race, in the media, you would understand why the singapore govnernment is so keen in this area.
yes there is indeed such a government sponsored organization. if i'm not wrong it's called SDU (social development unit). just 2 days ago, the BBC interviewed the director of the organization, asking if it's right for government to tell people what to do (in this case to marry and breed) and if it's successful. my economics teacher, a brit, ridiculed the institution of such an organisation too yesterday. he's really funny. he said, 'they set up the sdu and ask all the single undergraduates to come and say to them, 'come on, let's be more procreative. what's the problem with you people?'" :D
he joked that lky was a great believer in genetic engineering :D
singapore once had a population policy of "stop at two" to curb population explosion at the early years. but it's not successful because only the rich, educated chinese adhered to it, leading to the result of the less educated reproducing too many. the brit said lky feared of a "downgrade of singapore's gene pool" and hence reversed the policy in the 80s to "have 3 or more --- IF YOU CAN AFFORD". He said this essentially translates to "breed more if you are rich and educated, and go sterilized if you aren't", which i think is quite a witty interpretation :D ...so lky is hoping that, through this perversed form of eugenics, singaporeans can become more and more genetically superior...hahahha
(sorry, can't type chinese suddenly)