最初由 宇文宙 发布
呵呵,heaven's not enough 和 Wake up in New York 前奏的旋律的确很像,
Wake up in New York的“前奏”不过是民谣里常见的吉他和弦而已,(之所以说常见,是因为偶所有认识的会弹吉他的都会这个)而且这和弦是从开始一直不断重复到结束从未间断过。(把注意力放在 和弦 上是否有些主次不分啊?和弦也不过是简单的伴奏而已,歌曲的主旋律又不是从那里来的。)
偶之前也说过,Craig Armstrong擅长以前卫的电子节拍来渲染恢弘的交响乐,而他用到又多是像TRIP HOP那样的缓慢节拍。(也许正因为这样,各大主流音乐网站才把他的风格列为TRIP HOP的。国内把TRIP HOP不够准确地称为神游舞曲,这只表现了此类音乐精神迷幻的一面)
Wake up in New York也有在Orchestral出现后不久加入的同样的节拍。
Wake up in New York那低沉有魅力的男声部分可说是直到结束时高潮并不明显。低调到结束。歌的高潮来自Orchestral(Orchestral是这歌不可缺少的。曲中Orchestral就像给听者看到了一幅美景。至于是什么美景,看看歌词就明白了)
Wake Up In New York
Submitted by Rafal
Wake up in New York
Put a comb through your hair
Don't you ever want to lie down
When there's no-one else around
I want to say this to you
I know I hurt you
You know you hurt me too
Don't you ever want to lie down
Close your eyes and leave the ground
I want to get hold of you
I'll meet you in New York
By the drugstore on First Avenue
And then we will lie down
With the buildings all around
I want to say this to you
I want to say this to you