搜索 社区服务 统计排行 帮助
  • 1895阅读
  • 4回复

[SHARE][locale.txt eng ver.]

级别: 骑士
好象是以前从exe那边翻到的 偶自己都忘了 -_-!
ps; a82 的

Version 13
LangID 0409
Font MS Pゴシック
Charset 128

TabLabel0 Nodes
TabLabel1 Folders
TabLabel2 Queries
TabLabel3 Triggers
TabLabel4 Download
TabLabel5 Upload
TabLabel6 Filter
TabLabel7 Tasks
TabLabel8 Log
TabLabel9 Info

NodeHeader0 Type
NodeHeader1 Direction
NodeHeader2 Speed
NodeHeader3 Connected Time
NodeHeader4 Version
NodeHeader5 Priority
NodeHeader6 Cluster

FolderHeader0 Type
FolderHeader1 Full path
FolderHeader2 ID
FolderHeader3 Quota
FolderHeader4 Size
FolderHeader5 File count
FolderHeader6 Free space
FolderHeader7 Status

QueryHeader0 File name
QueryHeader1 ID
QueryHeader2 Size
QueryHeader3 Status
QueryHeader4 Cache amount
QueryHeader5 Last update
QueryHeader6 Hash

TriggerHeader0 Keyword
TriggerHeader1 ID
TriggerHeader2 Size
TriggerHeader3 Hash

DownloadHeader0 File name
DownloadHeader1 ID
DownloadHeader2 Size
DownloadHeader3 Priority
DownloadHeader4 Order
DownloadHeader5 Status
DownloadHeader6 Hash

UploadHeader0 File name
UploadHeader1 ID
UploadHeader2 Size
UploadHeader3 Status
UploadHeader4 Block
UploadHeader5 Hash

FilterHeader0 Keyword
FilterHeader1 ID
FilterHeader2 Size
FilterHeader3 Delete key
FilterHeader4 Warning
FilterHeader5 Hash

TaskHeader0 File name
TaskHeader1 Task
TaskHeader2 Size
TaskHeader3 Status
TaskHeader4 Time remaining
TaskHeader5 Speed

LogHeader0 Time
LogHeader1 Event

InfoHeader0 Param
InfoHeader1 Value

NodeState0 Sleep
NodeState1 Check
NodeState2 Test
NodeState3 Search
NodeState4 Share
NodeState5 Diffuse
NodeDirection0 Down
NodeDirection1 Up

FolderType0 cache
FolderType1 upload
FolderType2 download
FolderState0 unchecked
FolderState1 checked
FolderState2 error

KeyType0 DB
KeyType1 Remote
KeyType2 Local
KeyType3 Complete
KeyType4 Link

RefMax Max

DownloadState0 initializing
DownloadState1 init failed

UploadState0 initializing
UploadState1 init failed
UploadState2 waiting
UploadState3 transferring

TaskType0 Convert to cache
TaskType1 Convert to cache
TaskType2 Convert to file
TaskType3 Check for errors
TaskType4 Download
TaskState waiting
TaskState0 success
TaskState1 unexpected error
TaskState2 canceled
TaskState3 error opening cache file
TaskState4 error opening input file
TaskState5 error opening output file
TaskState6 file I/O error
TaskState7 file read error
TaskState8 file write error
TaskState9 error reading block hash
TaskState10 block hash corrupted
TaskState11 data block corrupted
TaskState12 transmission error
TaskState13 timeout
TaskState14 block complete

InfoGlobalIP Global IP
InfoSendCountSent data (bytes)
InfoReceiveCount Received data (bytes)
InfoTotalConnect Connection attempts
InfoTotalConnectError Connection errors
InfoTotalAccept Acknowledge count
InfoTotalAcceptError Acknowledge errors
InfoSearchTry Search connection attempts
InfoSearchError Search connection errors
InfoSearchAccept Search acknowledge count
InfoSearchAcceptError Search acknowledge errors
InfoRequestTry Request connection attempts
InfoRequestError Request connection errors
InfoRequestAccept Request acknowledge count
InfoRequestAcceptError Request acknowledge errors
InfoTransTry Share connection attempts
InfoTransErrorShare connection errors
InfoTransAccept Share acknowledge count
InfoTransAcceptError Share acknowledge errors
InfoDiffTry Diffuse connection attempts
InfoDiffError Diffuse connection errors
InfoDiffAccept Diffuse acknowledge count
InfoDiffAcceptError Diffuse acknowledge errors
InfoNodeCount Node count
InfoSearchUp Search Up connections
InfoSearchDown Search Down connections
InfoShareUpShare Up connections
InfoShareDown Share Down connections
InfoRequestCount Pending requests
InfoCatalogUser User catalog
InfoCatalogUserBlock Upload block count
InfoKeyMaxCount Maximum key count
InfoKeyCountKey count
InfoLiveKeyCountActive key count
InfoSelfQueryNormalSelf normal queries count
InfoSelfQueryHash Self normal queries sent
InfoSelfQueryResNormal Self normal queries received
InfoSelfQueryResHash Self hash queries received
InfoPublicQueryNormalPublic normal queries sent
InfoPublicQueryHash Public hash queries sent
InfoPublicQueryResNormal Public normal queries received
InfoPublicQueryResHash Public hash queries received
InfoQueryCollision Query collisions
InfoBCastSend Key broadcast sent
InfoBCastReceive Key broadcast received
InfoResumeContext Resume context
InfoPacketSendPackets sent
InfoPacketReceive Packets received
InfoPacketRouting Packets routing count
InfoPacketLostPackets lost
InfoCompressJob Compression jobs
InfoExpandJob Decompression jobs
InfoCompressBefore Uncompressed data (bytes)
InfoCompressAfter Compressed data (bytes)
InfoExpandBefore Pre-decompressed data (bytes)
InfoExpandAfterDecompressed data (bytes)
InfoPoint Points

QryExitApp Exit %s?
QryDeleteAllNode Clear node list?
QryDisconnectAll Disconnect all?
QryFolderAdd Replace the download folder with the new folder?
QryClearCluster Clear all cluster words?
QryEraseQueryHistory Clear keyword history?
QryEraseIDHistoryClear ID history?
QryEraseDB Delete selected DB key?
QryEraseCacheDelete selected cache file?

ErrFolderAdd Can not add folder
ErrFolderAdd2 Error adding folder
ErrQuotaSet Need to specify at least %dGB for quota, or leave it blank
ErrQuery Bad keyword
ErrID Bad ID
ErrHash Bad hash
ErrNeedQueryOrHash Need to specify keyword or hash
ErrSpeedNeed to set maximum upload speed between %d-%dKByte
ErrStrToInt Need to enter a number
ErrPort Need to specify port as integer from 1 to 65535
ErrMaxKey Need to specify maximum keys in the range of %d to %d
ErrIPAddr Can not use private IP address
ErrDomain Can not use domain name
ErrQuotaMarginClear limit needs to be at least %dMB
ErrAlertSpaceSize Active clear limit needs to be at least %dMB

MsgNeedSetConfig Need to configure network and cluster keywords before connecting

WarningMsgVersion WARNING: Version "%s" new version connected, please upgrade to new version.
ActiveLimitTimeStr Time left before becoming inactive %s

HitCount Hit: %d
SearchTime %d msec

ClusterCountLabel Words:%d/%d Characters:%d/%d

LogBoot Connected
LogBootFail Failed to start
LogShutdown Disconnected
LogPortError Port error
LogPortErrorStop Disconnected due to port error
LogTimeErrorStop Disconnected due to time check error
LogDBInitFile info DB manager initializing
LogDBInitSuccess File info DB manager initialized
LogDBError File info DB manager initialization error
LogDBCreateFile File info DB file created (%s)
LogDBUpgrade Converting file info DB format
LogDiffDBInitCatalog DB manager initializing
LogDiffDBInitSuccess Catalog DB manager initialized
LogDiffDBError Catalog DB manager initialization error
LogDiffDBCreateFile Catalog DB file created (%s)
LogCacheSysInitCache manager initializing
LogCacheSysInitError Cache manager initialization error
LogCacheSysInitSuccess Cache manager initialized
LogCacheIndexCreateFile Creating cache index (%s)
LogResolveIP Global IP resolved (%s)
LogExceptError ERROR: %s
LogException Exception: %s
LogDebugInfo DEBUG: %s
LogNewVersion New version connected: Version %s
LogDeleteFile Deleted unrecoverable cache (%s)
LogDeleteFile2 Deleted unused cache file (%s)
LogExistCache Existing cache error (%s)
LogExistRefer Existing file error (%s)
LogInvalidFileName Error registering file due to bad file name (%s)
LogFailLinkCache Error registering link cache
LogLocalLinkCache Error registering local cache
LogCacheEraser Cleaning cache automatically
LogCacheEraseResult Erased %d cache files
LogCacheIndexDefragBegin cache.idx defrag start
LogCacheIndexDefragEnd cache.idx defrag completed
LogCacheIndexDefragError cache.idx defrag error
LogFailLoadDBSystemError loading DB system (%s)
LogCacheIndexInitErrorVerify Deleting cache due to verify error (%d)
LogCacheIndexInitErrorTime Deleting cache due to update time error (%d)
LogCacheIndexInitErrorSign Deleting cache due to signature error (%d)
LogCacheIndexInitErrorSynonym Deleting cache due to duplicate hash (%d)
LogDBDefragBegin hash.db defrag start
LogDBDefragEnd hash.db defrag completed
LogDBCapacityFull DB capacity full
LogPtMgrInitPoint manager initializing
LogPtMgrCreateFIle Point manager file created (%s)
LogPtMgrInitSuccess Point manager initialized
LogPtMgrError Point manager initialization error
LogPtMgrDefragBegin point.db defrag started
LogPtMgrDefragEnd point.db defrag completed
LogPtMgrErrorVerify Points cleared due to error
LogNodeDBInitNode DB initializing
LogNodeDBCreateFile Node DB file created (%s)
LogNodeDBInitSuccess Node DB initialized
LogNodeDBError Node DB initialization error
LogNodeDBDefragBegin Node DB defrag started
LogNodeDBDefragEnd Node DB defrag completed
LogNodeDBDefragError Node DB defrag error
LogLoadKeyMgrCache Loading key manager cache
LogLoadDownMgrCache Loading download manager cache
LogPluginException Call:%s Module:%s
LogFilterException Call:%s FilterName:%s
LogActionException Call:%s Name:%s
LogCacheMgrError Cache manager error
LogNoCacheFolder New cache folder does not exist
LogHintInit HINT: Program need to be restarted

MainForm.SettingMenu &Settings
MainForm.ToolMenu &Tools
MainForm.HelpMenu &Help

MainForm.ConfigGeneral &General settings...
MainForm.ConfigCluster &Clusters...
MainForm.ConfigPlugin &Plugins...
MainForm.ConfigFilter &Filters...
MainForm.ConfigAutoHide Hide when &minimized
MainForm.HelpAbout &About...
MainForm.HelpConHelpHelp &mode
MainForm.HelpConHelp2 &Help

MainForm.TaskTrayExit E&xit
MainForm.TaskTrayRestore &Restore
MainForm.TaskTrayMinimize Mi&nimize

MainForm.NodeAdd Add node
MainForm.NodeEncrypt Encrypt address
MainForm.NodeClearClear nodes
MainForm.NodeDisconnectAllDisconnect all
MainForm.NodeDisconnectSearch Disconnect search
MainForm.NodeShowSleepShow Sleep nodes

MainForm.FolderAddAdd folder
MainForm.FolderDelete Delete folder
MainForm.FolderEdit Edit folder
MainForm.FolderCheck Recheck
MainForm.FolderQuickCheck Quick check
MainForm.FolderSetPrimary Set new cache folder
MainForm.folderEraseUnused Delete unused

MainForm.QueryAddTrigger Add trigger...
MainForm.QueryAddDownloadAdd to download
MainForm.QueryDeleteDownload Delete from download
MainForm.QueryAddUpload Add to upload
MainForm.QueryDeleteUpload Delete from upload
MainForm.QueryAddFilter Add filter...
MainForm.QueryAddDB Add to DB
MainForm.QueryDeleteDB Delete from DB
MainForm.QueryDeleteCacheDelete from cache
MainForm.QueryDamageCheckCheck and recover
MainForm.QueryCopyFileName Copy file name
MainForm.QueryCopyID Copy ID
MainForm.QueryCopyHash Copy hash
MainForm.QueryCopyInfo Copy all key information
MainForm.QueryProperty Properties
MainForm.QueryRename Rename

MainForm.TriggerAdd Add trigger
MainForm.TriggerDelete Delete trigger
MainForm.TriggerEdit Edit trigger
MainForm.TriggerSort Sort
MainForm.TriggerUp Move up
MainForm.TriggerDown Move down
MainForm.TriggerReSearch Search for cached locally

MainForm.TriggerEnableAll Enable all
MainForm.TriggerDisableAll Disable all

MainForm.DownShowCache Show cache
MainForm.DownDeleteDelete download
MainForm.DownAdd Add trigger
MainForm.DownPriorityUpIncrease priority
MainForm.DownPriorityDown Decrease priority
MainForm.DownCreateCache Create cache
MainForm.DownPriorityReset Set priority to sort order
MainForm.DownSort Sort
MainForm.DownUpMove up
MainForm.DownDown Move down
MainForm.DownEnableAll Enable all
MainForm.DownDisableAllDisable all

MainForm.UploadDelete Delete upload
MainForm.UploadTurbo Turbo

MainForm.FilterAddAdd filter
MainForm.FilterDelete Delete filter
MainForm.FilterEdit Edit filter
MainForm.FilterSort Sort
MainForm.FilterUp Move up
MainForm.FilterDown Move down

MainForm.TaskCancelCancel task
MainForm.TaskClearList Clear task list

MainForm.LogErase Clear log
MainForm.LogCopy Copy log to clipboard

MainForm.QueryEditQuery Search
MainForm.QueryEditQryErase Clear keyword history...
MainForm.QueryEditQryEdit Edit keyword history
MainForm.QueryEditQryReload Reload keyword history
MainForm.QueryEditQrySort Sort keyword history
MainForm.QueryEditIDErase Clear ID history...
MainForm.QueryEditIDEditEdit ID history
MainForm.QueryEditIDReload Reload ID history
MainForm.QueryEditIDSortSort ID history

MainForm.QryTabDelete Delete this query
MainForm.QryTabDeleteRight Delete queries to the right
MainForm.QryTabDeleteLeft Delete queries to the left
MainForm.QryTabDeleteAll Delete all queries

MainForm.SelAlignTop Top
MainForm.SelAlignLeft Left
MainForm.SelAlignRight Right
MainForm.SelToggleAutoSize Auto resize

MainForm.FilterBtnDB DB
MainForm.FilterBtnRemote Remote
MainForm.FilterBtnComplete Complete
MainForm.FilterBtnLink Link
MainForm.FilterBtnSynonym Synonym
MainForm.FilterBtnFilter Filter

MainForm.CmdSelectAll Select all

MainForm.Label1 Keyword:
MainForm.Label2 ID:

ConfigDialog.Caption General settings
ConfigDialog.TabSheet1 Profile
ConfigDialog.TabSheet2 Network
ConfigDialog.TabSheet3 Performance
ConfigDialog.TabSheet4 Action
ConfigDialog.TabSheet5 Quota
ConfigDialog.GroupBox2 Default ID
ConfigDialog.Button3 Settings...
ConfigDialog.Label1 Max upstream (KByte/s):
ConfigDialog.Label2 Max downstream (KByte/s):
ConfigDialog.Label3 Port:
ConfigDialog.Label6 Max keys:
ConfigDialog.TntCheckBox2 Decrease maximum CPU load on threads
ConfigDialog.ListView1.Item0 Add upload folders from drag&drop
ConfigDialog.ListView1.Item1 Add cache folders from drag&drop
ConfigDialog.ListView1.Item2 Use wide space to separate keywords
ConfigDialog.ListView1.Item3 Allow multiple downloads
ConfigDialog.ListView1.Item4 Add new link caches to catalog automatically
ConfigDialog.ListView1.Item5 Use fade-in effect
ConfigDialog.TntCheckBox1 Enable quota
ConfigDialog.TntLabel1 Clear limit (MByte):
ConfigDialog.TntLabel2 Active clear limit (MByte):

ClusterDialog.Caption Cluster settings
ClusterDialog.Label1 List
ClusterDialog.ActionAdd Add
ClusterDialog.ActionDelete Delete
ClusterDialog.ActionExchange Replace
ClusterDialog.ActionUp Move up
ClusterDialog.ActionDown Move down
ClusterDialog.ActionSort Sort

AboutDialog.Caption Version information

IDSetDialog.Caption ID settings
IDSetDialog.Label1 Nickname:
IDSetDialog.Label2 Password:
IDSetDialog.Label3 sample
IDSetDialog.ListView1.Column0 ID
IDSetDialog.ListView1.Column1 nickname
IDSetDialog.ListView1.Column2 password
IDSetDialog.ListView1.Column3 generated time
IDSetDialog.ListView1.Column4 GUID
IDSetDialog.Button2 change key
IDSetDialog.IDAdd add
IDSetDialog.IDDelete delete
IDSetDialog.IDImport import...
IDSetDialog.IDExport export...

AddrCryptDialog.Caption Encrypt address
AddrCryptDialog.Label1 IP:
AddrCryptDialog.Label2 Port:
AddrCryptDialog.Label3 Encrypted address:
AddrCryptDialog.Button1 Encrypt
AddrCryptDialog.Button3 Copy to clipboard

NodeAddDialog.Caption Add node
NodeAddDialog.GroupBox1 Address
NodeAddDialog.GroupBox2 Encrypted addresses
NodeAddDialog.Button3 Load from file

FolderAddDialog.Label1 Folder:
FolderAddDialog.GroupBox1 Folder type
FolderAddDialog.GroupBox2 ID
FolderAddDialog.GroupBox3 Quota
FolderAddDialog.CheckBox1 Include subfolders
FolderAddDialog.Button4 Settings...
FolderAddDialog.RadioButton1 Cache
FolderAddDialog.RadioButton2 Upload
FolderAddDialog.RadioButton3 Download
FolderAddDialog.UpdateFolder Refresh

CacheInfoDialog.Caption Properties
CacheInfoDialog.PropListView.Column0 Param
CacheInfoDialog.PropListView.Column1 Value
CacheInfoDialog.IndexListView.Column0 index
CacheInfoDialog.IndexListView.Column1 offset
CacheInfoDialog.IndexListView.Column2 size (KByte)

FilterDialog.GroupBox1 keyword
FilterDialog.GroupBox2 ID
FilterDialog.GroupBox3 hash
FilterDialog.GroupBox4 min size (MByte)
FilterDialog.GroupBox5 max size (MByte)
FilterDialog.GroupBox6 option
FilterDialog.Button3 remove minus
FilterDialog.Button4 quote all

PluginDialog.Caption Plugin settings
PluginDialog.Add add...
PluginDialog.Delete delete

FilterExDialog.Caption Filter settings
FilterExDialog.Up move up
FilterExDialog.Downmove down
FilterExDialog._Property properties...

DlgNodeLoadFilter Node list file (nodes.txt)|nodes.txt|Text file (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*

DlgPluginFilter Plugin file (*.dll)|*.dll

DlgFolderAdd Add folder
DlgFolderEdit Edit folder

DlgTriggerAdd Add trigger
DlgTriggerEdit Edit trigger
DlgTriggerOpt0 Enable
DlgTriggerOpt1 Delete matching query triggers
DlgTriggerOpt2 Apply filters
DlgTriggerOpt3 Add to DB only

DlgFilterAdd Add filter
DlgFilterEdit Edit filter
DlgFilterOpt0 Delete key
DlgFilterOpt1 Mark key as fake

DlgPropFileName File name
DlgPropSize Size
DlgPropRefer Cache amount
DlgPropDate Update time
DlgPropHash Hash
DlgPropAttribute Attribute
DlgPropCreateDateCreate time
DlgPropReadDate Last read time
DlgPropWriteDate Last update time
DlgPropDiffDate Last diffuse time
DlgPropBlockCountBlock count
DlgPropExtBlockCount Blocks kept
DlgPropAvaBlockCount Blocks usable
DlgPropTotalDataSize Data kept
DlgPropAvaDataSize Data usable
DlgPropAvaDataPerUsable ratio

FilterName Standard filter

Cancel Cancel
Close Close
Delete Delete
Change Change
Edit Edit
Clear Clear


Nobody is perfect. I am nobody. Therefore, I am perfect.
~。。。(~ ̄▽ ̄)~[CHN][eDtoon]appling[TLF]

Anime that is subtitled by fans. The anime is imported from Japan, translated, subtitled and
then distributed. This is all done by people on their own time, as an act of (near religious)
. And those of us on the receiving end are truly grateful.
级别: 超级版主
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2005-07-13
美語是預設的 日文件和其他介面反而要外掛

FREEWIND台湾,日本商品团购MSN群: group130599@xiaoi.com 欢迎入群讨论!!
贩售台湾正版CD,DVD,漫畫,輕小說,及台灣各種商品,采Door to Door服务有保障!!请大家告诉大家!!

※漫游FREEWIND工作室招募人才 請點我!※
※漫游FREEWIND工作室作品汇总 請點我!※
※漫游FREEWIND工作室招募分流FTP&P2P分流员 請點我!※

级别: 骑士
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2005-07-13
最初由 風之殤 发布
美語是預設的 日文件和其他介面反而要外掛

为什么偶当初是日文预设..... 汗~~

Nobody is perfect. I am nobody. Therefore, I am perfect.
~。。。(~ ̄▽ ̄)~[CHN][eDtoon]appling[TLF]

Anime that is subtitled by fans. The anime is imported from Japan, translated, subtitled and
then distributed. This is all done by people on their own time, as an act of (near religious)
. And those of us on the receiving end are truly grateful.
级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2005-07-18

级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2005-07-30
  1. [color=green]
  2. Version 13
  3. LangID 0804
  4. Font MS Sans Serif
  5. Charset 128
  6. TabLabel0 节点
  7. TabLabel1 文件夹
  8. TabLabel2 搜索
  9. TabLabel3 下载条件
  10. TabLabel4 下载
  11. TabLabel5 上传
  12. TabLabel6 过滤器
  13. TabLabel7 任务
  14. TabLabel8 日志
  15. TabLabel9 信息
  16. NodeHeader0 类型
  17. NodeHeader1 方向
  18. NodeHeader2 速度
  19. NodeHeader3 连接时间
  20. NodeHeader4 版本
  21. NodeHeader5 优先级
  22. NodeHeader6 群集
  23. FolderHeader0 类型
  24. FolderHeader1 完整路径
  25. FolderHeader2 ID
  26. FolderHeader3 配额
  27. FolderHeader4 大小
  28. FolderHeader5 文件数
  29. FolderHeader6 剩余空间
  30. FolderHeader7 状态
  31. QueryHeader0 文件名
  32. QueryHeader1 ID
  33. QueryHeader2 文件大小
  34. QueryHeader3 状态
  35. QueryHeader4 被参照量
  36. QueryHeader5 更新时间
  37. QueryHeader6 特征码
  38. TriggerHeader0 关键词
  39. TriggerHeader1 ID
  40. TriggerHeader2 文件大小
  41. TriggerHeader3 特征码
  42. DownloadHeader0 文件名
  43. DownloadHeader1 ID
  44. DownloadHeader2 文件大小
  45. DownloadHeader3 优先级
  46. DownloadHeader4 待机号码
  47. DownloadHeader5 状态
  48. DownloadHeader6 特征码
  49. UploadHeader0 文件名
  50. UploadHeader1 ID
  51. UploadHeader2 文件大小
  52. UploadHeader3 状态
  53. UploadHeader4 块
  54. UploadHeader5 特征码
  55. FilterHeader0 关键词
  56. FilterHeader1 ID
  57. FilterHeader2 文件大小
  58. FilterHeader3 删除文件信息
  59. FilterHeader4 警告
  60. FilterHeader5 特征码
  61. TaskHeader0 文件名
  62. TaskHeader1 任务
  63. TaskHeader2 文件大小
  64. TaskHeader3 状态
  65. TaskHeader4 剩余时间
  66. TaskHeader5 速度
  67. LogHeader0 时间
  68. LogHeader1 事件
  69. InfoHeader0 要素
  70. InfoHeader1 値
  71. NodeState0 休眠
  72. NodeState1 检查
  73. NodeState2 测试
  74. NodeState3 搜索
  75. NodeState4 共享
  76. NodeState5 扩散
  77. NodeDirection0 下载
  78. NodeDirection1 上传
  79. FolderType0 缓存
  80. FolderType1 上传
  81. FolderType2 下载
  82. FolderState0 未核对
  83. FolderState1 核对完成
  84. FolderState2 错误
  85. KeyType0 数据库(删除缓存)
  86. KeyType1 虚拟文件
  87. KeyType2 部分缓存
  88. KeyType3 完全缓存
  89. KeyType4 文件上传
  90. RefMax 最大
  91. DownloadState0 正在初始化
  92. DownloadState1 初始化失败
  93. UploadState0 正在初始化
  94. UploadState1 初始化失败
  95. UploadState2 待机
  96. UploadState3 转输中
  97. TaskType0 转换到缓存
  98. TaskType1 转换到缓存
  99. TaskType2 转换到文件
  100. TaskType3 破损检查
  101. TaskType4 下载
  102. TaskState 待机
  103. TaskState0 正常结束
  104. TaskState1 预期外错误
  105. TaskState2 取消
  106. TaskState3 缓存文件打开错误
  107. TaskState4 读取文件打开错误
  108. TaskState5 写入文件打开错误
  109. TaskState6 文件I/O错误
  110. TaskState7 文件读取错误
  111. TaskState8 文件写入错误
  112. TaskState9 特征码块读取错误
  113. TaskState10 特征码块破损错误
  114. TaskState11 数据块破损错误
  115. TaskState12 通讯错误
  116. TaskState13 超时
  117. TaskState14 块完成
  118. InfoGlobalIP 全球IP地址
  119. InfoSendCount发送数据量(Byte)
  120. InfoReceiveCount 接收数据量(Byte)
  121. InfoTotalConnect 尝试连接总数
  122. InfoTotalConnectError 尝试连接错误总数
  123. InfoTotalAccept 接受连接总数
  124. InfoTotalAcceptError 接受连接错误总数
  125. InfoSearchTry 尝试搜索连接数
  126. InfoSearchError 尝试搜索连接错误数
  127. InfoSearchAccept 搜索接受连接数
  128. InfoSearchAcceptError 搜索接受连接错误数
  129. InfoRequestTry 尝试请求数
  130. InfoRequestError 尝试请求错误数
  131. InfoRequestAccept 请求接受数
  132. InfoRequestAcceptError 请求接受错误数
  133. InfoTransTry 尝试共享连接数
  134. InfoTransError尝试共享连接错误数
  135. InfoTransAccept 共享接受连接数
  136. InfoTransAcceptError 共享接受连接错误数
  137. InfoDiffTry 尝试扩散连接数
  138. InfoDiffError 尝试扩散连接错误数
  139. InfoDiffAccept 扩散接受连接数
  140. InfoDiffAcceptError 扩散接受连接错误数
  141. InfoNodeCount 节点保持数
  142. InfoSearchUp 上传搜索连接数
  143. InfoSearchDown 下载搜索连接数
  144. InfoShareUp上传共享连接数
  145. InfoShareDown 下载共享连接数
  146. InfoRequestCount 待机请求数
  147. InfoCatalogUser 用户目录数
  148. InfoCatalogUserBlock 上传块数量
  149. InfoKeyMaxCount 最大文件信息保持数
  150. InfoKeyCount文件信息保持数
  151. InfoLiveKeyCount有效文件信息保持数
  152. InfoSelfQueryNormal自常规搜索发送数
  153. InfoSelfQueryHash 自特征码搜索发送数
  154. InfoSelfQueryResNormal 自常规搜索結果接收数
  155. InfoSelfQueryResHash 自特征码搜索結果接收数
  156. InfoPublicQueryNormal公有常规搜索发送数
  157. InfoPublicQueryHash 公有特征码搜索发送数
  158. InfoPublicQueryResNormal 公有常规搜索結果接收数
  159. InfoPublicQueryResHash 公有特征码搜索結果接收数
  160. InfoQueryCollision 搜索冲突数
  161. InfoBCastSend 发送文件信息广播数
  162. InfoBCastReceive 接收文件信息广播数
  163. InfoResumeContext 续传前后关系数
  164. InfoPacketSend发送包数
  165. InfoPacketReceive 接收包数
  166. InfoPacketRouting 路由包数
  167. InfoPacketLost丢弃包数
  168. InfoCompressJob 搜索压缩作业数
  169. InfoExpandJob 搜索解压作业数
  170. InfoCompressBefore 压缩前文件大小(Byte)
  171. InfoCompressAfter 压缩后文件大小(Byte)
  172. InfoExpandBefore 解压前文件大小(Byte)
  173. InfoExpandAfter解压后文件大小(Byte)
  174. InfoPoint 点数
  175. QryExitApp 退出%s吗?
  176. QryDeleteAllNode 清除全部节点名单吗?
  177. QryDisconnectAll 切断所有连接?
  178. QryFolderAdd 替换下载文件夹为新的文件夹吗?
  179. QryClearCluster 清除全部群集?
  180. QryEraseQueryHistory 清除所有的关键词记录?
  181. QryEraseIDHistory清除ID记录?
  182. QryEraseDB 删除选定的数据库记录?
  183. QryEraseCache 删除选定的缓存文件?
  184. ErrFolderAdd 不能添加已经使用的文件夹
  185. ErrFolderAdd2 添加文件夹时发生错误
  186. ErrQuotaSet 指定配额时数值必须大于%dGB
  187. ErrQuery 错误的关键词
  188. ErrID 错误的ID
  189. ErrHash 错误的特征码
  190. ErrNeedQueryOrHash 必须指定关键词或特征码
  191. ErrSpeed最大发送接收速度必须指定为%d-%dKByte的值
  192. ErrStrToInt 输入的文字不是整数
  193. ErrPort 端口必须指定为1至65535内的整数
  194. ErrMaxKey 最大文件信息保持数必须指定为%d至%d内的数值
  195. ErrIPAddr 不能使用私有IP地址
  196. ErrDomain 域名不能使用
  197. ErrQuotaMargin 清理空间大小必须大于%dMB
  198. ErrAlertSpaceSize 执行清除大小必须大于%dMB
  199. MsgNeedSetConfig 通讯开始前请先正确设置网络和群集语句
  200. WarningMsgVersion 警告: 检测出新版本 版本"%s" 的连接信息。请升级到最新版本。
  201. ActiveLimitTimeStr 活动限制时间剩余 %s
  202. HitCount 搜索数: %d
  203. SearchTime %d 毫秒
  204. ClusterCountLabel 存储量:%d/%d 文字数:%d/%d
  205. LogBoot 通讯开始
  206. LogBootFail 通讯开始失败
  207. LogShutdown 通讯停止
  208. LogPortError 检测出端口错误
  209. LogPortErrorStop 因端口错误而停止通讯
  210. LogTimeErrorStop 因时间检侧错误而停止通讯
  211. LogDBInit初始化文件信息数据库管理器
  212. LogDBInitSuccess 完成文件信息数据库管理器初始化
  213. LogDBError 文件信息数据库管理器初始化错误
  214. LogDBCreateFile 创建文件信息数据库文件(%s)
  215. LogDBUpgrade执行文件信息数据库格式转换
  216. LogDiffDBInit初始化数据库扩散目录管理器
  217. LogDiffDBInitSuccess 完成数据库扩散目录管理器初始化
  218. LogDiffDBError 数据库扩散目录管理器初始化错误
  219. LogDiffDBCreateFile 创建扩散目录数据库文件(%s)
  220. LogCacheSysInit初始化缓存管理器
  221. LogCacheSysInitError 缓存管理器初始化错误
  222. LogCacheSysInitSuccess 完成缓存管理器初始化
  223. LogCacheIndexCreateFile 创建缓存索引文件(%s)
  224. LogResolveIP 确定全球IP地址(%s)
  225. LogExceptError 错误: %s
  226. LogException 异常: %s
  227. LogDebugInfo 调试: %s
  228. LogNewVersion 新版本的连接: 版本 %s
  229. LogDeleteFile 删除不能修复的缓存(%s)
  230. LogDeleteFile2 删除未使用的缓存(%s)
  231. LogExistCache 相同缓存错误(%s)
  232. LogExistRefer 相同文件错误(%s)
  233. LogInvalidFileName 因错误文件名登录失败(%s)
  234. LogFailLinkCache 文件上传缓存登录失败
  235. LogLocalLinkCache 部分缓存登录失败
  236. LogCacheEraser 执行缓存自动删除
  237. LogCacheEraseResult %d个缓存文件删除
  238. LogCacheIndexDefragBegin cache.idx碎片整理开始
  239. LogCacheIndexDefragEnd cache.idx碎片整理结束
  240. LogCacheIndexDefragError cache.idx碎片整理错误
  241. LogFailLoadDBSystem 数据库系统加载失败(%s)
  242. LogCacheIndexInitErrorVerify 删除校检失败的缓存(%d)
  243. LogCacheIndexInitErrorTime 删除更新时间不正确的缓存(%d)
  244. LogCacheIndexInitErrorSign 删除署名不匹配的缓存(%d)
  245. LogCacheIndexInitErrorSynonym 删除特征码重复的缓存(%d)
  246. LogDBDefragBegin hash.db碎片整理开始
  247. LogDBDefragEnd hash.db碎片整理结束
  248. LogDBCapacityFull 数据库容许数界限警告
  249. LogPtMgrInit初始化点数管理器
  250. LogPtMgrCreateFile 创建点数管理文件(%s)
  251. LogPtMgrInitSuccess 完成点数管理器初始化
  252. LogPtMgrError 初始化点数管理器错误
  253. LogPtMgrDefragBegin point.db碎片整理开始
  254. LogPtMgrDefragEnd point.db碎片整理结束
  255. LogPtMgrErrorVerify 执行失配误差点数清除
  256. LogNodeDBInit初始化节点数据库
  257. LogNodeDBCreateFile 创建节点数据库文件(%s)
  258. LogNodeDBInitSuccess 完成节点数据库初始化
  259. LogNodeDBError 节点数据库初始化错误
  260. LogNodeDBDefragBegin 节点数据库碎片整理开始
  261. LogNodeDBDefragEnd 节点数据库碎片整理结束
  262. LogNodeDBDefragError 节点数据库碎片整理错误
  263. LogLoadKeyMgrCache 加载: 文件信息管理器缓存
  264. LogLoadDownMgrCache 加载: 下载管理器缓存
  265. LogPluginException 呼叫:%s 模块:%s
  266. LogFilterException 呼叫:%s 过滤器名称:%s
  267. LogActionException 呼叫:%s 名称:%s
  268. LogCacheMgrError 缓存管理器错误
  269. LogNoCacheFolder 需要创建新的缓存文件夹
  270. LogHintInit 提示:程序必须重新启动
  271. MainForm.SettingMenu 设置(&S)
  272. MainForm.ToolMenu 工具(&T)
  273. MainForm.HelpMenu 帮助(&H)
  274. MainForm.ConfigGeneral 常规设置(&G)...
  275. MainForm.ConfigCluster 群集设置(&C)...
  276. MainForm.ConfigPlugin 插件设置(&P)...
  277. MainForm.ConfigFilter 过滤器设置(&F)...
  278. MainForm.ConfigAutoHide 最小化时隐藏(&M)
  279. MainForm.HelpAbout 关于(&A)
  280. MainForm.HelpConHelp帮助模式(&M)
  281. MainForm.HelpConHelp2帮助(&H)
  282. MainForm.TaskTrayExit 退出(&X)
  283. MainForm.TaskTrayRestore 还原为原始大小(&R)
  284. MainForm.TaskTrayMinimize 最小化(&N)
  285. MainForm.NodeAdd 添加节点
  286. MainForm.NodeEncrypt 地址加密
  287. MainForm.NodeClear清除所有节点
  288. MainForm.NodeDisconnectAll全部断开
  289. MainForm.NodeDisconnectSearch 切断搜索
  290. MainForm.NodeToggleConnect通讯
  291. MainForm.NodeShowSleep显示休眠节点
  292. MainForm.FolderAdd添加文件夹
  293. MainForm.FolderDelete 删除文件夹
  294. MainForm.FolderEdit 编辑文件夹
  295. MainForm.FolderCheck 核对文件夹
  296. MainForm.FolderQuickCheck 快速核对
  297. MainForm.FolderSetPrimary 设为新的缓存文件夹
  298. MainForm.FolderEraseUnusedCache 删除未使用的缓存
  299. MainForm.QueryAddTrigger添加到下载条件...
  300. MainForm.QueryAddDownload 添加到下载
  301. MainForm.QueryDeleteDownload 从下载中删除
  302. MainForm.QueryAddUpload 添加到上传
  303. MainForm.QueryDeleteUpload 从上传中删除
  304. MainForm.QueryAddFilter 添加到过滤器...
  305. MainForm.QueryAddDB 添加到数据库
  306. MainForm.QueryDeleteDB 从数据库中删除
  307. MainForm.QueryDeleteCache 删除缓存
  308. MainForm.QueryConvert 转换
  309. MainForm.QueryDamageCheck 破损检查&&修复
  310. MainForm.QueryCopyFileName 复制文件名
  311. MainForm.QueryCopyID复制ID
  312. MainForm.QueryCopyHash 复制特征码值
  313. MainForm.QueryCopyInfo 复制所有文件信息
  314. MainForm.QueryProperty 属性
  315. MainForm.QueryRename重命名
  316. MainForm.TriggerAdd 添加下载条件
  317. MainForm.TriggerDelete 删除下载条件
  318. MainForm.TriggerEdit 编辑下载条件
  319. MainForm.TriggerPaste粘贴
  320. MainForm.TriggerSort 排序
  321. MainForm.TriggerUp 向上移动
  322. MainForm.TriggerDown 向下移动
  323. MainForm.TriggerReSearch 在本地缓存搜索
  324. MainForm.TriggerEnableAll 全部启用
  325. MainForm.TriggerDisableAll 全部禁用
  326. MainForm.DownShowCache显示缓存
  327. MainForm.DownDelete 从下载中删除
  328. MainForm.DownAdd 添加下载条件
  329. MainForm.DownPriorityUp 提高1优先级
  330. MainForm.DownPriorityDown 降低1优先级
  331. MainForm.DownCreateCache 重新创建缓存
  332. MainForm.DownConvert 转换
  333. MainForm.DownPriorityReset 顺位设置优先级
  334. MainForm.DownSort 排序
  335. MainForm.DownUp 向上移动
  336. MainForm.DownDown 向下移动
  337. MainForm.DownEnableAll 全部启用
  338. MainForm.DownDisableAll 全部禁用
  339. MainForm.UploadDelete 从上传中删除
  340. MainForm.UploadTurbo 全力上传
  341. MainForm.FilterAdd添加过滤器
  342. MainForm.FilterDelete 删除过滤器
  343. MainForm.FilterEdit 编辑过滤器
  344. MainForm.FilterSort 排序
  345. MainForm.FilterUp 向上移动
  346. MainForm.FilterDown 向下移动
  347. MainForm.TaskCancel取消任务
  348. MainForm.TaskClearList 清除已完成任务列表
  349. MainForm.LogErase 清除日志
  350. MainForm.LogCopy 复制日志到剪贴板
  351. MainForm.QueryEditQuery 搜索
  352. MainForm.QueryEditQryErase 清除搜索历史记录...
  353. MainForm.QueryEditQryEdit 编辑搜索历史记录
  354. MainForm.QueryEditQryReload 重新读取搜索历史记录
  355. MainForm.QueryEditQrySort 排序搜索历史记录
  356. MainForm.QueryEditIDErase 清除ID历史记录...
  357. MainForm.QueryEditIDEdit编辑ID历史记录
  358. MainForm.QueryEditIDReload 重新读取ID历史记录
  359. MainForm.QueryEditIDSort排序ID历史记录
  360. MainForm.QryTabDelete 删除当前搜索
  361. MainForm.QryTabDeleteRight 删除右侧搜索
  362. MainForm.QryTabDeleteLeft 删除左侧搜索
  363. MainForm.QryTabDeleteAll 删除所有搜索
  364. MainForm.QryTabSort排序
  365. MainForm.SelAlignTop 上对齐
  366. MainForm.SelAlignLeft 左对齐
  367. MainForm.SelAlignRight 右对齐
  368. MainForm.SelAlignBottom下对齐
  369. MainForm.SelToggleAutoSize 自动调整大小
  370. MainForm.FilterBtnDB 数据库
  371. MainForm.FilterBtnRemote 虚拟文件
  372. MainForm.FilterBtnLocal部分缓存
  373. MainForm.FilterBtnComplete 完全缓存
  374. MainForm.FilterBtnLink 文件上传
  375. MainForm.FilterBtnSynonym 相同文件
  376. MainForm.FilterBtnFilter 过滤器
  377. MainForm.CmdSelectAll 全部选择
  378. MainForm.Label1 关键词:
  379. MainForm.Label2 ID:
  380. MainForm.Label3 搜索数: 0
  381. MainForm.Label4 0 毫秒
  382. MainForm.StateLabel1 搜索上传:
  383. MainForm.StateLabel2 搜索下载:
  384. MainForm.StateLabel3 共享上传:
  385. MainForm.StateLabel4 共享下载:
  386. MainForm.StateLabel5 请求次数:
  387. MainForm.StateLabel6 用户目录:
  388. MainForm.StateLabel7 上传块数:
  389. ConfigDialog.Caption 常规设置
  390. ConfigDialog.TabSheet1 配置文件
  391. ConfigDialog.TabSheet2 网络
  392. ConfigDialog.TabSheet3 性能
  393. ConfigDialog.TabSheet4 功能
  394. ConfigDialog.TabSheet5 配额
  395. ConfigDialog.GroupBox2 默认ID
  396. ConfigDialog.Button3 设置...
  397. ConfigDialog.Label1 最大上传速度(KByte/s):
  398. ConfigDialog.Label2 最大下载速度(KByte/s):
  399. ConfigDialog.Label3 端口号码:
  400. ConfigDialog.Label6 最多文件信息保持数:
  401. ConfigDialog.TntCheckBox2 减轻最大CPU线程负荷
  402. ConfigDialog.ListView1.Item0 允许使用拖曳法添加上传文件夹
  403. ConfigDialog.ListView1.Item1 允许使用拖曳法创建的缓存文件
  404. ConfigDialog.ListView1.Item2 使用空格分隔搜索关键词
  405. ConfigDialog.ListView1.Item3 允许多线程下载
  406. ConfigDialog.ListView1.Item4 自动登记新的上传文件的缓存到扩散目录
  407. ConfigDialog.ListView1.Item5 使用淡入视觉效果
  408. ConfigDialog.TntCheckBox1 使用配额功能
  409. ConfigDialog.TntLabel1 清理空间大小(MByte):
  410. ConfigDialog.TntLabel2 激活清除大小(MByte):
  411. ClusterDialog.Caption 群集设置
  412. ClusterDialog.Label1 群集一览
  413. ClusterDialog.ActionAdd 添加
  414. ClusterDialog.ActionDelete 删除
  415. ClusterDialog.ActionExchange 置换
  416. ClusterDialog.ActionClear清除
  417. ClusterDialog.ActionUp 向上移动
  418. ClusterDialog.ActionDown 向下移动
  419. ClusterDialog.ActionSort 排序
  420. AboutDialog.Caption 版本信息
  421. IDSetDialog.Caption ID设置
  422. IDSetDialog.Label1 昵称:
  423. IDSetDialog.Label2 识别代号文字:
  424. IDSetDialog.Label3 示例显示
  425. IDSetDialog.ListView1.Column0 ID
  426. IDSetDialog.ListView1.Column1 昵称
  427. IDSetDialog.ListView1.Column2 识别代号文字
  428. IDSetDialog.ListView1.Column3 创建时间
  429. IDSetDialog.ListView1.Column4 全局唯一标识符
  430. IDSetDialog.Button2 密钥生成
  431. IDSetDialog.IDAdd 添加
  432. IDSetDialog.IDDelete 删除
  433. IDSetDialog.IDImport 导入...
  434. IDSetDialog.IDExport 导出...
  435. AddrCryptDialog.Caption 地址加密
  436. AddrCryptDialog.Label1 IP:
  437. AddrCryptDialog.Label2 端口:
  438. AddrCryptDialog.Label3 加密地址:
  439. AddrCryptDialog.Button1 加密
  440. AddrCryptDialog.Button3 复制到剪帖板
  441. NodeAddDialog.Caption 添加节点
  442. NodeAddDialog.GroupBox1 地址
  443. NodeAddDialog.GroupBox2 加密地址
  444. NodeAddDialog.Label1IP:
  445. NodeAddDialog.Label2端口:
  446. NodeAddDialog.Button3 从文件读取
  447. FolderAddDialog.Label1 文件夹:
  448. FolderAddDialog.GroupBox1 文件夹类型
  449. FolderAddDialog.GroupBox2 ID
  450. FolderAddDialog.GroupBox3 配额
  451. FolderAddDialog.CheckBox1 包含子文件夹
  452. FolderAddDialog.Button4 设置...
  453. FolderAddDialog.RadioButton1 缓存
  454. FolderAddDialog.RadioButton2 上传
  455. FolderAddDialog.RadioButton3 下载
  456. FolderAddDialog.AddFolder添加
  457. FolderAddDialog.UpdateFolder 更新
  458. CacheInfoDialog.Caption 属性
  459. CacheInfoDialog.PropListView.Column0 要素
  460. CacheInfoDialog.PropListView.Column1 値
  461. CacheInfoDialog.IndexListView.Column0 索引
  462. CacheInfoDialog.IndexListView.Column1 偏移量
  463. CacheInfoDialog.IndexListView.Column2 大小(KByte)
  464. FilterDialog.GroupBox1 关键词
  465. FilterDialog.GroupBox2 ID
  466. FilterDialog.GroupBox3 特征码
  467. FilterDialog.GroupBox4 大小下限(MByte)
  468. FilterDialog.GroupBox5 大小上限(MByte)
  469. FilterDialog.GroupBox6 选项
  470. FilterDialog.Button3 删除负号
  471. FilterDialog.Button4 全体用""括起来
  472. PluginDialog.Caption 插件设置
  473. PluginDialog.Add 添加...
  474. PluginDialog.Delete 删除
  475. FilterExDialog.Caption 过滤器设置
  476. FilterExDialog.Up 向上移动
  477. FilterExDialog.Down向下移动
  478. FilterExDialog._Property 属性...
  479. DlgNodeLoadFilter 节点列表文件(nodes.txt)|nodes.txt|文本文件(*.txt)|*.txt|所有文件(*.*)|*.*
  480. DlgPluginFilter 插件文件(*.dll)|*.dll
  481. DlgFolderAdd 添加文件夹
  482. DlgFolderEdit 编辑文件夹
  483. DlgTriggerAdd 添加下载条件
  484. DlgTriggerEdit 编辑下载条件
  485. DlgTriggerOpt0 启用
  486. DlgTriggerOpt1 删除条件相符的搜索条件
  487. DlgTriggerOpt2 使用过滤器
  488. DlgTriggerOpt3 只添加文件信息到数据库
  489. DlgFilterAdd 添加过滤器
  490. DlgFilterEdit 编辑过滤器
  491. DlgFilterOpt0 删除文件信息
  492. DlgFilterOpt1 添加文件信息伪造警告
  493. DlgPropFileName 文件名
  494. DlgPropIDID
  495. DlgPropSize 大小
  496. DlgPropRefer 被参照量
  497. DlgPropDate 更新时间
  498. DlgPropHash 特征码
  499. DlgPropAttribute 属性
  500. DlgPropCreateDate创建時间
  501. DlgPropReadDate 最后块的读取时间
  502. DlgPropWriteDate 最后块的更新时间
  503. DlgPropDiffDate 最后扩散上传的完成时间
  504. DlgPropBlockCount块数量
  505. DlgPropExtBlockCount 保持块数量
  506. DlgPropAvaBlockCount 现有块数量
  507. DlgPropTotalDataSize 所有数据数量
  508. DlgPropAvaDataSize 有效数据数量
  509. DlgPropAvaDataPer现有数据百分比
  510. DlgPropValueEmpty空
  511. FilterName 标准过滤器
  512. OK 确定
  513. Cancel 取消
  514. Close 关闭
  515. Add添加
  516. Delete 删除
  517. Change 変更
  518. Edit 编辑
  519. Clear 清除
  520. OFFOFF
  521. ON ON
  522. [/color]


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