Q: I don’t want to play this game. Tell me what happens anyway.
A: A wandering puppeteer goes to a town. He runs out of money and drowns himself. His spirit now roams the beaches at night, seeking respite. Enter Misuzu, a mentally deficient private investigator. With the help of her sidekicks, Kano and Minagi, she investigates the paranormal activities taking place and discovers that an army of aliens are planning to conquer the universe. Leading them is the evil alien overlord, Michiru.
When it seems that there is nothing that they can do to stop the invasion, Kano’s sister, Hijiri, reveals that she is in fact a ninja assassin shinobi samurai kung-fu amazon warrior, and single-handedly wipes out 90% of the alien army. Michiru, seeing that she’s losing, decides that her intergalactic empire is better off without Earth at all, and releases the secret biological weapon, codenamed “Potato”. It is then revealed that Misuzu is actually an alien as well, and she sprouts wings and engages in mortal combat with the Potato in the sky above the town. After an epic battle lasting many days and nights, she finally slays the horrendous beast, and great justice and everlasting peace are victorious once more.
…the game is the story. Just play the damned game.
Q: 我不想玩这个游戏。总之先告诉我故事情节吧。
A: 一个流浪的人偶师来到了一个小镇上。他花光了兜里的钱,于是跳河自尽了。随后,每逢夜晚他的灵魂就会在海滩上游荡,寻找着安息之处。观铃登场;她是一个大脑有缺陷的私家侦探。在她的两位跟班-佳乃和美凪的帮助之下,她开始调查正在发生的这些灵异现象,并且发现:一支外星人军队正企图征服宇宙。率领着他们的是邪恶的外星人君主-Michiru。正当主角们在为无法阻止外星人入侵而感到绝望的时候,佳乃的姐姐-圣向众人公开了自己的真实身份:她其实是一位忍者暗杀武士功夫亚马逊战士,而且她不费吹灰之力就秒杀了90%的军队。发觉到自己的败势的Michiru终于决定:她的星际帝国没有了地球才会更完美,随后发射出了代号为“土豆”的生物武器。不久,大家发现观铃其实也是外星人。观铃长出翅膀,在小镇的上空和土豆展开了一场生死决战。在这场足以载入史册的漫长的战斗之后,她终于打败了这可怕的怪兽;正义与和平再度来到了人间。……游戏的情节就是这样。去玩一下这该死的游戏就好了。