无安全问题 我爸爸的出生地 我妈妈的出生地 我的小学校名 我的中学校名 我最喜欢的运动 我最喜欢的歌曲 我最喜欢的电影 我最喜欢的颜色 自定义问题
引用 最初由 silent 发布至于某YJ,怎么都说给扇发卡?我倒觉得是YJ还没恢复记忆就被LL发现,于是杀人灭口,扇黑化……
引用 最初由 bismarck 发布加上那战舰就是GAL,点明这片性质了吗?
引用 最初由 hehe 发布目瞪口呆看楼上的消息那就是说十月的第二季不一定是真的了?
引用 最初由 虚空的彼方 发布有强人将那张信的全文看清楚了(话说不要让我见到有人连这都看不懂伸手要翻译的)这封信里只提到对LULU=ZERO的惊讶和困惑,并没有提到她对LULU的感情,不知她见到LULU会怎样(不过既然当时爱得那么深,现在再爱上一次也没什么奇怪的:o)I'm shocked. I'm still reeling. To think that you, Lelou are Zero! I haven't told anyone yet because I want to meet and hear it in person. You'll tell me everything won't you Lelou? I'm sure there must be some reason, isn't there? I can wait. It would be great if we could talk face to face, but if it has to be by phone then that's fine too. I want to hear it straight from your mouth. Why did you become Zero? Why did you form the Black Knights? Why did my father have to die? That's what got me thinking. My father died, and then the war, Britannia, Eleven. But it all just makes my head spin, and in the end, I can't think straight. But the thing is, there is something I do understand. And that is that there are no simple answers. It's not so easy to just say what's right and what's wrong. And that's why I want to hear it from you. Lelou, why did you become Zero?
引用 最初由 RSephiroth 发布只是没有直接提到她对lulu的感情而已。实际上综合起来还是能看出两个人的关系不是一般的同学而已。
引用 最初由 chris_tyman 发布這段英文真難看得懂...
引用 最初由 fallingpowerg4 发布這段英文也不過是5-6年前高中的難度吧現在的年輕人可別連說句“我不會”都要理直氣壯才好