最初由 lia2000 发布
http://www.sony.co.jp/SonyInfo/CorporateInfo/qfhh7c000000lajq.htmlhttp://www.sony.co.jp/SonyInfo/IR/financial/fr/06q3_sony.pdfhttp://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2007/070125e.pdfWith respect to the handheld game products of the electronic entertainment division, both "Nintendo DS" hardware and
software recorded very strong sales for the nine month period ended December 31, 2006. "Nintendo DS" hardware has
been the fastest rising game platform ever in the Japan market, and, in addition, has sold well in overseas markets. As a
result, sales in the first three quarters have reached 18.88 million units on a worldwide basis. As for ” Nintendo DS”
software, net sales have also accelerated, supported by a number of millon-seller titles. Sales have been led by "New
Super Mario Bros.", with 8.64 million units sold on a worldwide basis and continuing strong sales of "Touch!
Generations" titles such as "Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!" and "Nintendogs".
In the console business, "Wii" hardware (launched at the end of last year) got off to a favorable start and “Wii” software
titles such as "The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess" enjoyed brisk sales as well.
As a result, net sales rose to
712.5 billion yen (72.8% up y/y), causing operating income to reach 167.6 billion yen
(102.5% up y/y) despite a rise in selling, general, and administrative expenses, which was primarily driven by higher
marketing expenses. Income before income taxes and extraordinary items was 220.7 billion yen (50.5% up y/y) primarily
due to 26.0 billion yen (45.2 billion yen last nine-month period) of foreign exchange gains. Net income reached 131.9
billion yen exceeding last year by 43.1%.