无安全问题 我爸爸的出生地 我妈妈的出生地 我的小学校名 我的中学校名 我最喜欢的运动 我最喜欢的歌曲 我最喜欢的电影 我最喜欢的颜色 自定义问题
引用 最初由 silent 发布上一话此方的“祭典、浴衣、野外”更糟糕啊[/KH]
引用 最初由 NAMCO1984 发布刚看完 看的时侯一直没觉得妹妹过了姐姐的头直到ED播完后 姐姐败了 小司情歌攻势 萌力大增
引用 最初由 水星石 发布 谷口你太有才了http://www.lucky-ch.com/weekly/070511_sp.html
引用 最初由 wowow 发布镜还没唱啊……估计监督对山本有排挤倾向——凡是山本看中的我都放倒!……是吧?镜的戏份越来越少了……[/han]
引用 最初由 cxy2646200 发布我也是想知道.....小镜谈完生X期的问题后此方跑出来一笑...随后镜吃惊的看着此方说:"难道你..."这是什么意思么...............(难道认为此方有了?所以没生x期了???(被拖走))
引用 最初由 hengs 发布应该是小镜觉得小此还没发育到需要用那个的阶段....
引用 最初由 cxy2646200 发布.............................................[/ku] 我没记错的话...............此方17了啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
引用 Actually, the conversation in the bath scene are pretty deep:1. The girls talk about how sticky their hairs get due to the salt in the ocean in which Miyuki begins to explain that the salt in the air and the UV rays can cause damage to the hair2. Konata does an impersonation of Timotei* but the girls don't get it because they are too young3. Yui and Nanako tries to start a conversation but it doesn't go well4. Konata showing the Timotei impersonation once again to Yui who understands the joke, and Nanako quirping how old Konata is5. Tsukasa and Kagami talking about getting rid of excessive...hair (implied: pubic hair)6. Tsukasa and Kagami talking about their...cycles (implied: menstrual cycle)7. Tsukasa and Kagami talking about...protection (implied: tampon)8. Konata jumping in on the conversation in which Kagami assumes that perhaps Konata hasn't even started menarche yet...*A Japanese commercial from the 80s where a hot blond chick washes her long hair in that fashion; unfortunately the youtube link provided previously isn't that commercial