Well then they should just ignore the meaning of freedom in voting and put the new rules on the Saimoe's main page >> TODAY FOREIGNERS MUST VOTE FOR XXX AND YYY AND ZZZ..ITS A MUST..OR ELSE YOUR VOTE WILL BE CONSIDERED AS A FAKE VOTE
That should make them happy though =/
Lame lame lame..if me i rather blame on my supporting materials and try to improve it so that it may reach/attract the foreigner's attention,rather than blaming the foreigners for it.
Or probably they think that foreigners are just "random people that join Saimoe without knowing anything about it",so they decided to guide these foreigners by showing them tons of supporting materials..
Well,ppl do have their own brains and mind,no matter how hard the Japanese tries to attract the foreigners' attention to vote for the candidates of their choices,but still foreigners have their own choices..
I praise them for organizing these big tournament..but i don't praise them for these childish attitude..might as well not making it a voting tournament if like this =/