最初由 堕天地狱 发布
就算你的反應有多快, 也不會100%準吧?
加上用視頻計時不準及不快不是我說的, 是sub station alpha的作者說的。
若用視頻計時那麼好, 為什麼外國的irc fansub小組'全部'都是用音頻計時呢?
其實你們計時都是聽視頻的聲音吧? 那麼video有什麼用....
Sub staion alpha作者的話:
Timing from wav files RULES! I will NEVER go back to on-the-fly timing for first passes now that I've used this!
· It's fast and accurate
· It's easy to learn
· It doesn't require extended concentration like on-the-fly
· Distractions and interruptions have no effect on your accuracy
· It doesn't add any wear and tear to your laserdisk player or VCR.
· It doesn't require particularly large amounts of disk space, memory or CPU power. (A 22-25 minute wav file typically takes about 16MB of disk space, and SSA uses about 500kB RAM to load ANY size of wav file).
Using WAV files is both the fastest, AND the most accurate way of making first-pass timings. However, it cannot be used to time "silent" events, like when you want to subtitle a street sign. It can also lead to subtitles overrunning a major "scene change" (often an undesirable visual effect), because the audio itself overruns.
First-pass on-the-fly timing is (in theory) a very fast way to time a script, but it’s difficult to master - you need to become reflexively familiar with the keys required to do it, and be very consistent with your reaction time. It also helps to be quite familiar with the script (i.e. who says what and when). The person who translated the script will find it easier to do on-the-fly timing. Unless you are very VERY adept, it is not as accurate as WAV timing and it is slower because you will require several passes to successively fine-tune the timings.
若有什麼得罪的, 請見諒!