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An English thread, hope everybody enjoy it

级别: 侠客
只看该作者 720楼 发表于: 2004-01-18
I finally got back from Tellahassee (probablly spelled wrong, lol) after 3 days of hardworking, debating, and voting. I participated in the Florida YMCA Youth in Government convention. We were able to occupy the capitol, and enjoy ourselves while debating bills and resolutions in senate meeting rooms and the actual senate itself. Well, I am very tired as of this moment... it takes 5 and half hours to get there, and I had a total of 8 hours of sleep for the past 2 days... other than that, it was just awsome. To speak and debate (with my stupid accent, anyway) in front of 80 people is fun, especially when knowing that what I say actually persuade some people to either vote for or against the bill I spoke about. I raised and spoke for almost every single bill we had--about 20 to 25 times... Although I am really exausted completely by the debating process, my effort paid off... I could not believe that I was actually awarded as the runner-up for the most outstanding stateman. (5 out of 80) So it was really cool!!!

About Mu Alpha Theta, it is a national mathematics organization. (but I think it's prodominately south) There is a regional (there are 5 regions in Florida) and an invational competition every month. Also, there is a state convention in Aprial. (Usually in Orlando). I know that high schools all the way from Pensecola to Miami-Dade participates in these compeitions.

By the way, I will not be able to attend Science Olmpia competition because I devoted all my energy on math and debating... sorry there, Whatever.

'vanitas vanitatum dixit Ecclesiastes vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas. '
-Ecclesiastes 1:2

'Act as if the maxim of thy action were to become a universal law of nature'
-Immanuel Kant

级别: 骑士
只看该作者 721楼 发表于: 2004-01-18
I could not believe that I was actually awarded as the runner-up for the most outstanding stateman. (5 out of 80) So it was really cool!!!


级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 722楼 发表于: 2004-01-19
Wow, it must be amazing to be able to speak in front of such a large audience and not panic, not to mention the fact that you actually enjoyed it. I hate public speaking and always run away from it. You are lucky to have that talent. Congragulations for your success!!!
级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 723楼 发表于: 2004-01-19
最初由 emb422 发布
I finally got back from Tellahassee (probablly spelled wrong, lol) after 3 days of hardworking, debating, and voting. I participated in the Florida YMCA Youth in Government convention. We were able to occupy the capitol, and enjoy ourselves while debating bills and resolutions in senate meeting rooms and the actual senate itself. Well, I am very tired as of this moment... it takes 5 and half hours to get there, and I had a total of 8 hours of sleep for the past 2 days... other than that, it was just awsome. To speak and debate (with my stupid accent, anyway) in front of 80 people is fun, especially when knowing that what I say actually persuade some people to either vote for or against the bill I spoke about. I raised and spoke for almost every single bill we had--about 20 to 25 times... Although I am really exausted completely by the debating process, my effort paid off... I could not believe that I was actually awarded as the runner-up for the most outstanding stateman. (5 out of 80) So it was really cool!!!

About Mu Alpha Theta, it is a national mathematics organization. (but I think it's prodominately south) There is a regional (there are 5 regions in Florida) and an invational competition every month. Also, there is a state convention in Aprial. (Usually in Orlando). I know that high schools all the way from Pensecola to Miami-Dade participates in these compeitions.

By the way, I will not be able to attend Science Olmpia competition because I devoted all my energy on math and debating... sorry there, Whatever.

OMG!!!!!!!!!:eek: You are so awesome! Congratulation!Wow, I guess it's really cool to speak and debate in front of 80 people. And you actually persuaded people to vote/againt the bills you had. Wow! And you were awarded as the most oustanding stateman. I didn't even want to be a leader or a school senator.

And for the Mu Alpha Theta, is really weird that in my region, we didn't have the competition yet. I have to ask my teacher about that on Tuesday.

人的价值不在于身份也不在于财富, 而在于那个人心灵的美丽与高尚; 望你能与受伤的人一起流泪, 成为悲伤的人心灵的支柱.

可口可乐, 你神了厂(腹拜ing..........)
级别: 侠客
只看该作者 724楼 发表于: 2004-01-19
Actually, to be able to debate is not about the talent, but about the boldness of being able to not fear too much of what's going to happen when failure results... I have honorablly received the title of "the best accent"... anyway, speaking with an accent is something rather to be ashamed of... but I guess people don't mind that much, expect by finding it funny...

'vanitas vanitatum dixit Ecclesiastes vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas. '
-Ecclesiastes 1:2

'Act as if the maxim of thy action were to become a universal law of nature'
-Immanuel Kant

级别: 侠客
只看该作者 725楼 发表于: 2004-01-25
I am totally exausted today... plus, I'm having a bad headach...

The day before yesterday, I had to write 3 long essays and 2 short essays (with a total of 9 pages) for a summer program... I did not get to finish until 1 am--and only to realize that I have two tests coming and tons of unfinished homework...

So I was "sick" on Friday and did not go to school...

And today, I spent 3 hours taking the SAT, only to realize that I have even more homework and tests to worry about.

'vanitas vanitatum dixit Ecclesiastes vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas. '
-Ecclesiastes 1:2

'Act as if the maxim of thy action were to become a universal law of nature'
-Immanuel Kant

级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 726楼 发表于: 2004-01-27
Jan. 20, 2004, I spent an half an hours to watched the State of Union address, and debate with my friend about some points for another hour. And my history teacher also used half of the class time to talk about how he felt and ask how we felt, and he told us, if we could write an essay about it, we could get extra credict.
And it's due right after the Chinese new year.

Jan. 22-23, 2004 Chinese New Year
Happy New Year everybody. But looked like my Chinese New year was not that happy. First, I had a Chemisty lab that was dued, which our teacher gave us absolutely none of the informations(All she told us was research and good luck). Actually I done most of them, but I forgot the disk at home, so I had to retype everything and finished rest of the part. Hence, I didn't have my lunch at all.
Much worse, at first our history teacher told us we were going to have a multiple choice type of test(although it's harder, you don't have to memory every names and stuffs), so I didn't study that much. When we got to class, he just told us he didn't like the multiple choice questions, so he changed it into a free response type of test. Oh my, oh my dear good god, I forgot many people's name(I never know how to spell it, if I look at their names, I know what they did though), and I also forgot a important law. I must do really bad on the test. Thanks to the State of Union Address, we could write an essay about that for extra credit. However, I was not the lucky one. It's Chinese New Year, and we also had an 2 and half hours IB meeting that night, and I had to do all those new year greeting to all of my family members as other new year (man, I got a big family here). So I finally got chance to do my homework at 10:00. Usually if that night have an IB meeting, we don't have any homework, however, my two language classes were not IB class (well the franch is pre-IB class), so I not only had two tests on the next day, but also had to finish the math homework from the day before, and write the essay. Gosh, I was totally exhausted, and I got a 94/100 on the french test and a 5/5 on the oral(that's a miracle), and I also wrote a 4 pages long essay(actually I could write much more than that, my I didn't have time).
So, I thrown everything away, and just ate and had fun on the Friday night, which also it's our Chinese New Year party night. I played until 2:00am, and I can't wake up until 12:00.
But ah.... I guess that's the bad way to relief from the school work, b/c I got sick now due to eat and play too much on that party night. =_=............................

人的价值不在于身份也不在于财富, 而在于那个人心灵的美丽与高尚; 望你能与受伤的人一起流泪, 成为悲伤的人心灵的支柱.

可口可乐, 你神了厂(腹拜ing..........)
级别: 侠客
只看该作者 727楼 发表于: 2004-01-28
Happy Chinese New Year!!! (I almost forgot to do so...)

Yesterday, I realized a very funny thing--I have the same GPA as the first place in the senoir class... Actually, I don't really feel proud--perhaps I am the one who made the wrong choice. Working until 2 o'clock in the morning for two nights in a row isn't fun!

'vanitas vanitatum dixit Ecclesiastes vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas. '
-Ecclesiastes 1:2

'Act as if the maxim of thy action were to become a universal law of nature'
-Immanuel Kant

级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 728楼 发表于: 2004-01-31
Man, you just so smart. I wish I could have a higher GPA.

It had been another stressful week. There're so much have to be done that I hadn't done. And so much things are waiting for me in the coming week. Oh man, life is so stressful, sometime I want to kill meself or flush meself into the toilet. But, all I need to do is picking up a phone and call my best friend in China. Even just talk about some stupid things, I'll feel much much better.
Just like today, only by thinking about how much things I have to do this weekend and the coming week(Group 4, 2 chemistry labs, one history essay, piano practice for the sole ensamble, art work due, build up an instrument for the science olympiad......), I really wanted to scream out. But instead of doing that, I picked up a phone and called my best friend. After the New Year greeting, we just started to talk about many stupid things, school, classes, teachers, friends, and some old memorial jokes. Time sneaked away like a flying arrow, when I realized actually I was starving, an hour had been passed. But, I felt much much better now.
Sometime, I feel I am the lucky one, because I have a very close friend, who know me better than my mother to talk with. Compare to many people around me, although they have lot of good friends, but they never get a close friend or best friend. But the sad thing is, I can't always talk to her since both of us are very busy, and if we talk too long, the phone payment will be pretty expensive too. Somehow I am still seeking, seeking a close friend here that I could confide my deep feeling to. Hopefully I could find one here.

人的价值不在于身份也不在于财富, 而在于那个人心灵的美丽与高尚; 望你能与受伤的人一起流泪, 成为悲伤的人心灵的支柱.

可口可乐, 你神了厂(腹拜ing..........)
级别: 侠客
只看该作者 729楼 发表于: 2004-01-31
I certainly do understand the intensity of stress you described here.
There are so many things to do, so many things which I should have done. I cannot complete this endless list of anticipation and regret about what I needed to do and what I must do... yet I feel ashamed of myself, for I feel obligated to these things.
And, of course, I am always anxious about the future. I am caught in between regrets of what cannot be changed and hopes for what cannot be predicted, only to find myself disilutioned, stressed, and depressed.
But prehaps this IS my way of life. I've chosen my path, even in knowing the intensity of pain I have to endure... I sacraficed many things for what I am now, and although I may regret, I cannot change the past or predict the future...

What a JOYFUL weekend!
I have a competition coming up, tons of homework, a take home test, math to study, SAT to prepare, and online classes to take.

Life IS so wonderful AND fun...

'vanitas vanitatum dixit Ecclesiastes vanitas vanitatum omnia vanitas. '
-Ecclesiastes 1:2

'Act as if the maxim of thy action were to become a universal law of nature'
-Immanuel Kant

级别: 元老
只看该作者 730楼 发表于: 2004-01-31
i decide to write my diary here too^^ hope u guys don't mind@@


it's been a long long way to the end of da 1st semester. Exams are finally over!!
today is the beginning of 2nd sem. im still taking four gr12 courses..English, algeo, data management, and international business...sometimes i get confused. i dunno y im taking so many tough courses whereas i don't really go in to the relavent field. it's really crippy, isn't it?? nnn'e wayz,i gotta get everything straight out!! i need the marks for university>
yeh, i went to work again ~poor meT^T
actually itz not quite comfortable working with my partner. He is too quiet!!! and plus me- i cant continue a topic if i got no response..so yeh, we rarely talk to each other during 5hrs...well i noe i noe, itz not suposed to talk 2 much when ur' workin'..but still~ itz too boring.. fortunate enough Joanne is always dere on friday, so at least i can hav some little conversation with her. =P

back to relationshp, i think itz kinda hard to gett to know a guy??[im not talking about my parttime job partner] i dunno, just dat i dunno how to start a conversation with a person who u've never talked to be4....oh yeh! something weird happen to me very often. I noe we wanna get to know each other to be friends, but neither of us takes any step forward..for me, like i've mentioned, i duno how to do it..= =this is really strange..
I think improvin' my interpersonal skill is mah BIG goal for da following semester^^

finnaaaally, i really wanna go watch raptors games~~!!
actually,i planned to watch da game on last wednesday..Raptors vs.76iers..><>this was the last home game against philadelphia..iverson won't be here for this seasonT^T...*sigh my next target is raptors-magic~~ i like Macgrady . he's cute^^i wanna watch him playin' 2...err...how about vince? he doesn't play as good as be4 after rose and marshall came...his percentage is droppppping>huh?? i get too excited when im tallkin about nba@@ 'if ur reading my post,plz don't mind me= =okay, i think thatz all 4 today! ooops..itz alway "tomorrow"..n'ewayz..latez

"Never apologize for saying what you feel. It's like apologizing for being real."
级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 731楼 发表于: 2004-02-03
最初由 emb422 发布
I certainly do understand the intensity of stress you described here.
There are so many things to do, so many things which I should have done. I cannot complete this endless list of anticipation and regret about what I needed to do and what I must do... yet I feel ashamed of myself, for I feel obligated to these things.
And, of course, I am always anxious about the future. I am caught in between regrets of what cannot be changed and hopes for what cannot be predicted, only to find myself disilutioned, stressed, and depressed.
But prehaps this IS my way of life. I've chosen my path, even in knowing the intensity of pain I have to endure... I sacraficed many things for what I am now, and although I may regret, I cannot change the past or predict the future...

What a JOYFUL weekend!
I have a competition coming up, tons of homework, a take home test, math to study, SAT to prepare, and online classes to take.

Life IS so wonderful AND fun...

Guess we do suffer together huh, but it's too hard for me to say "What a JOYFUL weekend!" I was up to 2am for doing my history essay (I didn't read about 3 chapters, so I had to read it before I actually start the essay) and my chemistry lab reports.
Sometime I hate IB so much, especially the lab, there're so much requirements, if we get completion on each part of our lab, then the report must be professional. Beside, our chem teacher never tell us how to do our lab, all she say is,"have fun" or "go for it". Well, I got our lab grade back, I got "0" on two parts, and many "1"(the highest you could get for each part is 3). Well, I had already screwed more than 5 labs before I actually found out how to improve my lab score. Oh Well, how a day!

人的价值不在于身份也不在于财富, 而在于那个人心灵的美丽与高尚; 望你能与受伤的人一起流泪, 成为悲伤的人心灵的支柱.

可口可乐, 你神了厂(腹拜ing..........)
级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 732楼 发表于: 2004-02-03
Welcome to write you diary here, Lizard. Well sounds like your life is better than mine and emb422's.
I got another awful Monday. Some much things were dued today. And I didn't eat my lunch again for typing the missing part of my lab reports. And we finish another chapter in history again. So test tomorrow, in class DBQ after tomorrow(man, ebm422 you are so lucky that you never have in class DBQ). Worse, I was still sick, so I can't sing well, which pissed me off, and my teacher doesn't let me play for the concert quire for some reason(well, maybe he doesn't trust me as he never does, so he may just want to let that professional guy play them all. Gr...I wish that guy could charge some money, so our teacher will let me play the musics) and he still didn't give me the music for the solo ensamble. What the hXXX! Does he want to wait until the competition? I have so much homework, I can't always spend my time on the piano. And he is not going to be in school tomorrow. I was really mad. The only relief I got is I got an A in chemistry which I thought I would lost it. Well, I gotta study history now.

人的价值不在于身份也不在于财富, 而在于那个人心灵的美丽与高尚; 望你能与受伤的人一起流泪, 成为悲伤的人心灵的支柱.

可口可乐, 你神了厂(腹拜ing..........)
级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 733楼 发表于: 2004-02-04
Well, I just had a History test today. Very unfortunately, I forgot some stupid stuffs, and I screwed up a very easy question.
I was like, "How could I forgot that?" after I finished the test, and I was not the only one. And we will have the in class DBQ tomorrow, I will make a timeline before I go to class, and this time I will make sure I put very important things down.

人的价值不在于身份也不在于财富, 而在于那个人心灵的美丽与高尚; 望你能与受伤的人一起流泪, 成为悲伤的人心灵的支柱.

可口可乐, 你神了厂(腹拜ing..........)
级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 734楼 发表于: 2004-02-08
Gosh, I can't believe that my teacher took 15 points on my essay because it's more than 1500 words. I spent so much time on that essay, and I got a 77 because it's too long. Dane it! It will low my grade for a whole letter.

Worse, my chorus teacher never remember to us give the solo ensamble music until yesterday, which we have to practice and sound it perfectly in two weeks. And once again, he broke his promise, he told us in the beginning of the year that he will give us the music earlier, so we could have one month to practice just like any other school. But he did the old thing again, which I have to learn my piano part as best and as fast I can.

Just so much thing that I have to take care. Sometimes I really really want to scream out.

人的价值不在于身份也不在于财富, 而在于那个人心灵的美丽与高尚; 望你能与受伤的人一起流泪, 成为悲伤的人心灵的支柱.

可口可乐, 你神了厂(腹拜ing..........)

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