最初由 雨过天晴 发布
哆啦,美国的政治算不算敏感话题?OTL~~~~~~~~ ``` ~~
关于minority government....
civics课上老师说。。minority government basically can't get anything done.........|| 'caus all the other parties would be against anything that they proposed..=_=....after all they are called the 'oppositions'..their job is to not agree with the government OTL|||||.. besides...no party would agree with another party, 'cauz it'll make them look bad..........................
And your teacher really got the point,we should appreciate that damacracy is the most effective way to orgnazing goverment so far ,but not the most effcient one,yet would never be either the perfect one or compulsory one.But there's no alternative way to approach to the "fairness,equality,and freedom" which hunmanbeings prusuits all through the history.So democracy is the "best" so far.We shoul know them all before we make judgement.The problem is,electional politics is a game now,a game for reshuffle the top power,ant it has been far far away from its foundamental.In the game,victory is the only goal for politician,this time lost,the next is always coming.Then the preparation is on the way to election all the time.
How a "opposition" could get win if they failed have them being against ruling party?Voters will see no difference between them and government~