v0.48a ScarAngel V2.1┊基于Xtreme MOD 优化修改┊多国语言绿色免费版
verycd可能会有搜索限制(中国特色的关键字过滤),Xtreme则是CPU占用可能会有些高。这个ScarAngel版本是StulleMule作者Stulle的一个MOD作品,基于Xtreme MOD修改。感觉他的目的是把MorphXT和Xtreme两个Mod的性能综合起来,无论是CPU占用还是一些独特功能上来说,表现都相当地不俗。最新版本基于eMule 0.48a Xtreme 6.1。
eMule v0.48a ScarAngel v2.1:
- 13.08.2007 -
Added: Do not reserve 1/3 of your uploadlimit for emule [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Disable accepting only clients who asked within last 30min [Stulle] - Stulle
+ Xtreme only grants upload to clients that asked within the last 30min
Added: Follow The Majority [AndCycle/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Fair Play [AndCycle/Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Alwasy maximize slot speed [Stulle] - Stulle
Added: Timer for ReAsk File Sources [Stulle/ idea from sivka] - Stulle
+ Due to Spread Reasks the actual ReAsk time is: [SetTime]+{-3...0.5 minutes}
Changed: check mark superior to icon (MenuXP) [fafner] - Stulle
Changed: Quickstart for KAD-only connection [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: No FunnyNick for bad guys [Stulle] - Stulle
Changed: Max enforced ratio to 1:10 [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: Saving of Cat version (save default Cat viewfilters) [Stulle] - Stulle
Fixed: GDI-Leaks around the context menus [Stulle] - Stulle
Do not reserve 1/3 of your uploadlimit for emule:
+ Only active if you upload more than download in this session.
+ Reserves only a minimum of 2 kB/s for eMule