I’m Looking At Her Ankles
From some deep, dark corner in the back of jaalin’s mind…
Anime girls are the best. Unlike those found in 3d-land, anime girls were created for the sole purpose of entertaining me – decades in the making, the science of creating an anime girl has been perfected down to the little personality quirks, the glimmer in their eyes, and the nuances in their voice (Aisia lisp, anyone?) I thank these character designers from the bottom of my heart, cuz man oh man do they do their job well.
In most cases, anime girls are perfect. Understanding that “perfect” has many interpretations as the modern anime girl is assembled from a plethora of desirable traits, the one aspect that rarely varies is the shape of their body. Sure, there are differences in height and cup size, but for the most part, there is a singular template on which all bodies are constructed from.
You know my favorite part of it? It’s not the stunning neckline or the way clothes hang so lustfully off the bosom, nor their sculpted stomachs or their itty bitty waist. Those are all fantastic, but they all pale in comparison to none other than:
The ankles. Goddamn, anime chicks have the best freakin ankles.
Remember that that one scene in Densha Otoko where they go to Miina’s fan session, and Matsunaga-shi kept screaming for Miina to show her ankles? I thought that was the weirdest thing, but it kinda makes sense now. Kinda.
Why ankles?
For starters, it’s not something that’s in the common list of attractive traits, but when you ask specifically, most people would come to a consensus on an attractive ankle. It is, after all, the area where the long, shapely legs meet the petite, delicate foot – quite a special area that holds very little sexual appeal and yet is a crucial component of an attractive character. Without the ankles, you can’t have sexy legs!
For example, take that pic of Nagi. Normally known for her loli appeal, this pic makes her out to be so much more. Sure, most of the attention is on the place that allows our imagination to run, but it’s those ankles that are right there and complete the look. They are, fundamentally, what give those spectacular legs their slender shape.

Anime ankle science takes this a step further – custom-fit shoes. Notice how Nagi’s shoes have a strap right above the ankle? While not absolutely necessary, this plays an important role in accentuating the slenderness of the ankle by essentially having it squeeze through something. Another great example of this is seen on Mashiro-hime, another character not typically associated with sexual appeal, but oh man does she have hot legs in that pic. And it’s all due to the slender achilles area bringing out the supple shape of the calf area. Even
Nia-sweetie with all the attention on her eyes and hair, sports a pair of shoes complete with ankle strap. And don’t forget
Aoi-chan in the only time we’ve seen her wearing something other than that adorable kimono - never mind that she’s only got 4 toes (oh shi-?)
动画脚踝学把这个问题更深化一步 —— 适当的鞋子。请注意凪的鞋子上的缚带是多么正确地出现在了脚踝上,同时这又完全不是必须的。这个缚带扮演了一个极为重要的角色,它本质上通过使脚踝穿过一些东西来强调脚踝的苗条性。另外一个重要的例子是从真白身上发现的,这个角色并不具备代表性的杀必死点,但是我的天,难道这张图片里她就没有一双性感的美腿吗?这都要归功于由苗条的脚后跟区域所带出的柔软美型的小腿部分。甚至NIA(我的最爱),我的所有注意力也只能集中在他的眼睛,头发,具有动感的鞋子连同脚踝上的缚带。不要忘记还有小葵,这是我们仅有的看到她穿着除了那套可爱的和服以外的的什么 —— 关于她只有四个脚趾这件事就不必挂在心上了(哦!混[])

One more piece of evidence comes from Geass, where Villetta is flashing her own breathtaking set. As amazing as they look, don’t they seem to pale in comparison to the other examples above? In comparison, Villetta’s legs look unnaturally straight, unrealistic, and while extremely long, rather unshapely.

The Anklet Hypothesis can also apply to wrists, as so brilliantly demonstrated by Tsukasa in this pic. Doesn’t her arm look so much more slender with that bracelet?

So there you have it, my attempt at turning an ankle fetish into a science. Sounds like some bastardized male version of Lucky Star…