发信人: hebrew (hebrew), 信区: Family
标 题: Re: 我ROOMMATE的姐姐的。。。择偶10条。。。
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sun Jan 9 16:26:22 2005), 转信
P(1) = 0.7
P(2) = 0.2 assume she is 30
P(3) = 0.05
P(4) = 0.0001
P(5) = 0.001
P(6) = 0.01
P(7) = 0.001
P(8) = 0.001
P(9) = 0.01
assume all condition are independent, the probablity that she found a person is
assume there are 8*10E8 man out there,she had to wait 10E11 years to find one,
some of the condition are also exclusive to each other,
The probability that she could live 10E11 years is almost zero