Mari Live at Genghis Cohen
May 18th 8:00-9:00PM
$7 Charge(It's a steal:)
http://www.genghiscohen.com*Anime Weekend AtlantaSep.24-26 2004
Mari has received an email from AWA,"We have been asked by attendees who were at AWA in 1999 if you will be able to return."
Yes!(^-^)Mari owes people in Atlanta, becauseshe canceled her appearance after 9-11, in the year of 2001.People at AWA wrote all kinds of messages of love ( e.g. I missed you ! I still love you ! I understand ! Don't worry ! etc. ) to Mari on huge white papersand sent them to her in L.A. after the convention was finished. That meant so much to her.This is going to be the only anime convention she will attend this year.
Here is their web site
http://www.awa-con.com/index.phpStay tuned for her concert schedule.