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[原创]A Dizzy Song

级别: 骑士
本人的第一次rap lyrics,今天看太多负面的新闻。发神经了。。。。各位勿见怪!!基本上比较rude的话,偶已经用beep代过了。15+ 吧。

A Dizzy Song

“China should force the exchange rate to…”
“This is what happened right now in that country…”
“This is really against the human right…”
F*** YOU!!

I turned on the TV
My ears are full of your bullshit
And what is irritating me
I never heard you say a good word about me
I never saw you put up a real side of me
All you think of me is an ugly old wacky

If you really that detest me
Why ever bother come and talk about me
Quit pointing your finger at me
If you don’t get any nice to say
Then just f****ing shut up
And say nothing

Am I the one that’s really disgusting?
Am I the one that’s really freaky?
Look at who is spreading horror and yelling peace
Look at who is bald wearing periwig and forcing everyone doing the same thing

Quit saying I’m a fossil
Look at the sweater you are wearing
Look at the sneakers on your smelly dump feet
The most fashion things you are proud of are even made in China
What makes you think while enjoying my hard work and could still dissing me

Don’t yell at me just because you have the bling-bling
Don’t ever think that you could make me worshipped just because of it
Don’t ever try to put me in your silly little game just because you could let your shit keep growing

Am I the only one that’s not normal any more?
Am I the only one that ain’t calm any more?
Try to put yourself in my position
Visioning those keep telling lies rising in everyone else’s estimation
What’s so hard to just tell a truth?
What’s so fun to smear me?
Hah, enough of your backbiting
Are you supprised?
I see you grip your fist
I see you grind your teeth
That’s because this is the most honest saying

More pains are inside my vein,
Out of my brain
In the eye of every little Chinese kid

Sept. 23, 2003

我是 小J !大家好!!

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