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级别: 风云使者
— 本帖被 sakuraahn 执行锁定操作(2012-07-07) —
kibo: I've been talking with CM as to what to tell people about all of this. It's a little heavy to just drop on people and they tend to be pretty resistant to the whole idea, for the most part.

CM: this one is wondering if he should take one last shot at warning his family and friends. We decided that a story form would be a good idea. People can choose how they want to react to it as an assumed work of fiction. So we have come up with a sort of bedtime story for you sleepy ones to dream about in hopes that you will wake up feeling new and refreshed in the light of the new day that comes to shine upon you.

A True Fictional Story.

Not as far away in time and space as you might like to think, there was a beautiful planet. It was a shining jewel in the heavens and all who saw her marveled. She was a very special planet and sang with joy and love.

War came to the heavens. A big bad guy [bbg] wanted to be like God and have his own creation to rule. The bbg convinced a few people to follow him and they occupied part of their universe and waited to see what God would do. God thought about it and decided to let them have a small part of His creation to try to prove themselves right. He warned them that it wouldn't be possible to create souls and run a harmonious universe the way they thought it should be run. They said they were sure they could do it. So borders were established and the Federation of Light, God's forces, quarantined the area while the bbg and his dark forces went to work.

It didn't go well.

Everything was chaos and confusion and the people that were cut off behind the lines were cast into darkness. This included the beautiful little planet. She saw the darkness reaching out to her and cried to God for salvation...and God answered. He told her that if she would allow this to happen and allow the dark to have their way, then He would see to it that that, when it was over, She would be able to become more wonderful than she had ever been or hoped to be. That her light would shine throughout the whole of creation. It would be hard and painful, but He would make sure that that there was always a link to Him and that, when the time came, He would reclaim her as His own and she would be raised to grace and glory.

The beautiful planet vowed to do this thing if it made Him happy. He said that it made Him very sad, but it would all be better than ever, in the end, and so the deal was struck and the dark was allowed a period to operate, but it was made clear that the Light would always be a witness and keep representatives on the planet at all times.

The bbg didn't like this but he agreed. He called his most loyal forces, the snake people to set up shop and insure the dark its victory. The first thing they did was gather all the people of the planet together and put their minds to sleep. With their minds sleeping, they gave them a dream to live and told them it was real. The people forgot who and what they truly were in real life and served the will of their dark masters like sleepwalking zombies, with no will of their own. But some of the people had run away and hid from the snake people. They vowed to find a way to return their brothers and sisters to their rightful state, and so the war began for the hearts and minds and souls of the people of the beautiful planet, now in darkness.

The people that were awake called out to God for help, for they remembered. God sent representatives and told them to teach the people to be more than people. Teach them to be Human Be=ings [human beings]. Tell them the truth. Show them the truth. Reveal the Light of Reality to them and create a tribe of Light that will dispel the darkness. But the dark was relentless and cruel and murdered the representatives. God gathered His family and told His sons to go and continue the work of the representatives. He sent prophets and kings and scientists and artists. The dark could not kill them so they took their words, their works and changed them to suit their own ends and lied to the people...and the people believed. But the Light was patient and unending and ground was slowly being gained. People started to wake up, one by one. Soon, they were too many to kill one at a time, so the dark made war against them, but the Light was unending.

God then said: " I shall go to the beautiful planet Myself and see what's what." so He choose a son and filled him up and together they went to the planet. The bbg heard that God had come to his neck of the woods and went to meet with Him. They talked and argued for days until the bbg was exhausted and had nothing left to say or to offer. He left the planet in disgrace and tried to hide from the Light, but he was caught and put on trial and had to admit his failure to the whole universe. God asked him to forgive and forget the darkness and come home to stay, but the bbg spit in His face and cried `Never!' and so, sadly, as God grieved, he was made as if he had never been and was gone forever, never to be seen or heard from again.

But his followers carried on and would not give up their power over the people and the beautiful planet. God spread truth and light on the planet and gave the call for all that can hear, to wake up and hear, and for all that can see, to wake up and see. More people woke up and learned to be human, but still the dark persisted.

God sent more and more of His family to the planet to show the people how to be human. But the progress was slow and painful and the period that was promised was arriving and God would have to take the planet back no matter what, even if it meant that the sleeping people would be lost, for only humans could stay in the world that was promised.

Then, one day, the snake people decided that enough was enough and that there was no sense in going down with the ship. They knew the period that was agreed upon was soon to end and they did not want to be lost or uncreated like their former, lost master. So they agreed to leave the planet with only their slaves in charge, and began to learn what it was to rejoin the family of God. Meanwhile, their former slaves were left with no direction, only plans that had been left behind from a schedule that had been discarded. They tried as best they could keep things going, but they were sloppy and greedy and fought among themselves and things began to fall apart. People started to notice cracks in their dreams. They wondered what was wrong. Something wasn't right. They started to see the lies as lies and the illusion as illusion. They started to wake up. The dark slaves started to panic and started so much trouble at once that many people didn't have time to notice the cracks that were turning into gaping holes. They were so afraid for their lives that they just ignored them and didn't want to know. Still, more and more people were starting to wake up and what they saw made them angry. They did not know what to do. They borrowed from their former dreams the things that made them feel good and safe and clung to them for dear life. God sent more family with the same directive. But the tribes were divided and easy to infiltrated by the dark. The dark caused them to fight with each other and many ended up serving the dark, even if they didn't know it.

So God, very quietly, slipped some spec ops humans in, which he had gathered from all over the universe. He told them to quietly make it possible to reach all the world at once. The deadline is approaching and we must preserve our own. I will pick representatives from among you when the time is right to create tribes of light. By the time the dark finds out what has happened it will be too late to stop it. So the lightworkers developed technology that could be used against the dark and spread the word to the world. God gave a message to the world to come! Hear and see!

God said that the time of promise had come and only the people that could be human beings would be allowed to live on the new planet. Human beings that served each other in love and light as one. Human beings that flowed in compassion. Human beings that were awake and aware that they and God exist within each other, that ALL IS ONE. Human beings that will love and nurture their new world and not rape and abuse it. Human beings that put away all uses for war and violence. God told them that the time was quickly coming upon them and that they must prepare, for the world would shake and tumble and that if they were not ready...they would have to start over somewhere else. He said that He would send ships to help them where the earthquakes and giant waves and volcanoes could cause great loss of life. He told them that they would have to be without fear to board these ships, that they must be calm and recognize light and love. He told them that He would help them to create a wonderful way to live in peace and harmony and that the war was over , the quarantine lifted and that they would be able to, once again, be connected to the rest of their family in the universe and live among the stars, if they choose. He said that they would once again remember who and what they really are and live in their full power, that He gave them. He promised that the dark would rule them no more.

Would you believe that not everybody cared?

That over half the people laughed in disbelief?

So that when the warnings of planetary changes came true

They were fearful and upset and angry and blamed God for not telling them?

But they had laughed when the humans came to tell them. Many people that helped the humans were ridiculed as being...too strange for words.

But the time finally came and it happened as they said it would.

The people that were prepared, just in case, fared well.

The people that were learning to be human beings, fared better

The human beings that tried their best to help things along tried to help as many as they could while the chaos raged around them, but finally, they had to board the ships themselves.

Before it was over, God appeared to the world through the technology that was built for Him to do so and explained as much as He could before the final moment. The sleeping people were sent to a planet where they could wake up and learn how to live as human beings. The people that were awake were given choices to stay or join other human tribes of light in the universe.

The human beings were given new assignments.

The beautiful planet was rebirthed into a planet of heavenly light, wonderful and amazing to behold. The humans loved and nurtured her and the sons of God came from all over the universe to witness her glory as she sang with joy.

And all was well.

the end of the end and the beginning of the beginning.

级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2010-05-30
级别: 风云使者
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2010-05-30