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[推荐]Key The Metal Idol THEMESONG

级别: 工作组

I'll be Here for You (English Version)

Would you say that a girl alone, on her own,
Should struggle quite so hard?
Is it fair that a girl like you, who never knew,
Should be asked to atone?

Would you say
"Hey, my life's not meant to be this way!"
Would you, pretty please?

If that's so,
If giving up's the point of being grown,
I'd rather make believe.

Key, you don't know,
Just how long that I've been watching you
Key, you don't know,
How I want to be the one who's there for you.

Now don't you dare say you'll go away,
I'm telling you, I mean to stay,
All your tears, all your cries and sobs,
I'll be waiting to kiss away.

And when your thoughts keep you awake,
Just a call is all it'll take
Key, you know...
You've never had a friend that didn't grow first through me

No matter what it takes,
I'll be here for you.

无敌烧包- -
级别: 圣骑士
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2003-10-26
级别: 工作组
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2003-10-26
[url]http://game.wzcnc.com/acgsky/!!!our exchange files/YUNO/SONGS/(KEY_THE_METAL_IDOL)[VOCAL_DATA_DISC_for_FIRST&SECOND_PROGRAM_Disc1_07]watasi ga Soba ni Iru .mp3[/url]




たとえば あいて の つみ を かぶる こと が
これ から たくさん たくさん なる かと おもう
それ を ね あきらめ めとめる こと は ない
それ が おとな に なる こと なら ならなくていい
きみ の こと は いつでも みてる
きみ の こと は わたし が だきしめる

ひとり ぼっち だなんて おもわ ないでいて
かなし なみだ に は くちびる を よせて
ねむれない とき は でんわ を してきて
きみ の いやがる こと は けして しない
ふりむいて ーー あいしてる

さみしさ に おされ たおれ そうに なったら
こども の ように おおごえ で ないても がいて
あさひ を みたら いのる ように "きょう も よろしく" と
よわよわ しくても えがお の まま でいて ほしい
きみ の こと は いつでも まもる
きみ の もと に いい こと きっとある

ありきたりだ なんて いわない でいて
こころ を つよく まえに だして あげたい だけ
あした は きょう より きびしい と おもう から
きみ を ささえる はしらに ならたい
その なみだ ーー あいしてる

こわれ やすい の は きみ が じゅんすい だから
じぶん を かえる こと を おそれ ない でいて
いきてるん だから いきてるん だから Ah...
ねむれない とき は でんわ を してきて
きみ の いやがる こと は けして しない
だから ね ふれていい?
だきしめたい その せなか
ふりむりて ーー あいしてる

English Translation:

For example opening, wear stacking
Whether it becomes many many from now on, you think
You abandon don't you think? that and the 繧・the times when you stop you are
If that becoming the adult not becoming, good
As for your thing seeing with anytime, the 繧・
As for your thing I creak am

There is no how main 繧・which is the one person 縺シ 縺」 縺。 being
Kana to do and average to be the lip the 縺・縺ヲ
Don't you think? when there is no 繧€ 繧・ is doing the 繧・ starting
That you dislike, the 縺・doing, it does
Inclination peeling, - - doing to meet, it is

It does to see, it is to be done me so becomes
Though it is dense the way being with obtaining, being
The 縺・when you look at the 縺イ, in order to be and to ride " also today may "
Weakly it does weakly, also the 縺・縺ヲ obtaining continues to be, we want
Your thing with anytime protects
Being good to your origin certainly it is

It is common, how you do not say being, being
Just we would like putting out heart well before
The 縺・it did it is harsh from today, you think because
You are supported to to do, if and others you want
It is the average, - - doing to meet, it is

As for it is easy being broken you are the 縺・繧・inhaling therefore
The 縺・縺カ it is, the fact that you can apply is not feared being, being
Going back and forth, therefore the 繧・it is, going back and forth, therefore the 繧・it is, the Ah...
Don't you think? when there is no 繧€ 繧・ is doing the 繧・ starting
That you dislike, the 縺・doing, it does
Therefore don't you think? it is possible to touch?
Is, creak wants the inside of the 縺・which
The inclination unreasonable 縺ヲ - - doing to meet, it is

Romanji Lyrics:

tatoeba aite no tumi wo kaburu koto ga
kore kara takusan takusan naru kato omou
sore wo ne akirame metomeru koto ha nai
sore ga otona ni naru koto nara naranakuteii
kimi no koto ha itudemo miteru
kimi no koto ha watasi ga dakishimeru

hitori bocchi danante omowa naideite
kanasi namida ni ha kuchibiru wo yosete
nemurenai toki ha denwa wo sitekite
kimi no iyagaru koto ha kesite sinai
furimuite -- aisiteru

samishisa ni osare taore souni nattara
kodomo no youni oogoe de naitemo gaite
asahi wo mitara inoru youni "kyou mo yorosiku" to
yowayowa shikutemo egao no mama deite hosii
kimi no koto ha itudemo mamoru
kimi no moto ni ii koto kittoaru

arikitarida nante iwanai deite
kokoro wo tuyoku maeni dasite agetai dake
asita ha kyou yori kibishii to omou kara
kimi wo sasaeru hasirani naratai
sono namida -- aisiteru

koware yasui no ha kimi ga jyunsui dakara
jibun wo kaeru koto wo osore nai deite
ikiterun dakara ikiterun dakara ah...
nemurenai toki ha denwa wo sitekite
kimi no iyagaru koto ha kesite sinai
dakara ne fureteii?
dakisimetai sono senaka
furimurite -- aisiteru

无敌烧包- -
级别: 工作组
只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2003-10-26
[url]http://game.wzcnc.com/acgsky/!!!our exchange files/YUNO/SONGS/(KEY_THE_METAL_IDOL)[VOCAL_DATA_DISC_for_FIRST&SECOND_PROGRAM_Disc1_01]In_The_Night.mp3[/url]




あの ひと に "すき" と つたえて
かがみ よ かがみ いん the night
どうしよう も ない せつなさに
どこ まで も おちる Rainy day

こんや は きっと ねむれない
ひとみ を とじれば あえる いつでも

あなた が あふれて いつも
あなた で あふれてる

すき な ひと "いる" と いって た
そんな ウワサ を listening
うち けして でも もしかして
わたし か も なんて Nothing

こんや も きっと ねむれない
リフレイン めいろ の なか へ とびこむ

みつけて わたし を そして
でぐち に みちび いて

あなた が あふれて いつも いつも
あなた で あふれてる
あい を つか みたい この てで
あなた の こころ を
いま おそれないで そして
True かがみ に うつす いま... いま...

English Translation:

" It is less crowded, " in that one conveying
Stooping it is to be to stoop the the night
How it will do the 縺・cord which is not to
Falls to everywhere the Rainy day which

It is dense, don't you think? it is and certainly, the 繧€ 繧・it is
If the pupil is closed, it can meet with when

You overflowing, always
Overflowing with you, the 繧・

Favorite one " it is, " saying, it is
Such a 繧ヲ繝ッ繧オ listening
Even with the inside 縺・doing, perhaps, doing
Whether transferring how Nothing

It is dense, don't you think? it is and certainly, the 繧€ 繧・it is
The refrain 繧・be to in to fly, it is dense the 繧€

Finding, me and
So it is full in the 縺・縺。, the 縺ウ being

You overflowing, the usual always
Overflowing with you, the 繧・
Meeting the handle we would like to see with this 縺ヲ which
Your heart
Now without fearing and
Now when it moves to the True stooping... now...

Romanji Lyrics:

ano hito ni "suki" to tutaete
kagami yo kagami in the night
doushiyou mo nai setunasani
doko made mo ochiru rainy day

konya ha kitto nemurenai
hitomi wo tojireba aeru itudemo

anata ga afurete itumo
anata de afureteru

suki na hito "iru" to itte ta
sonna uwasa wo listening
uchi kesite demo mosikasite
watasi ka mo nante nothing

konya mo kitto nemurenai
rifurein meiro no naka he tobikomu

mitukete watasi wo sosite
deguchi ni michibi ite

anata ga afurete itumo itumo
anata de afureteru
ai wo tuka mitai kono tede
anata no kokoro wo
ima osorenaide sosite
true kagami ni utusu ima... ima...English Translation:Wish I could believe that you care for me that way
Mirror mirror speak to me In the night...
Don't you think I know this grief can't be cried away
In the tears I cry, I see you Rainy day...

Why can't I love you so? Sleep won't come to me...
With the eyes closed the mind has a perfect view..
It's.. just.. we two are

Lost in your arms I float away Don't you know?
Once daylight comes I'm searching for you

"I've met someone else" you say as you looked away
So..now at last I know where you've been
Who's this new love 'ed tell me do they love you then
Such a fool that I have been Foolish me....

Why can't I love you so? sleep won't come to me
If I could to you there's so much I wanna say..
Like.. I love you...

Sometimes a silence speaks the most Just listen
Could be that Key's a heartbeat away


Lost in your arms I float away... Don't you know? Don't you know?
Will these new day I'm longing for you...

I wanna guide your heart back to me With these two hands
I wanna know it's me that you love...

Oh.. at last you needn't be afraid Dont' be 'fraid
Could be the key's a heartbeat away Right Now! Right Now!!

无敌烧包- -
级别: 工作组
只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2003-10-26
暑假广州购碟最大的幸运就是买到了这个的BGM DATA DISC(for first and second program)寺嶋民哉的作品啊~~~哈哈

AIWA有没有看到这张VOCAL DATA DISC (for first and second program)卖?

falcom同人音乐CD《Far~Tribute to Falcom》
首发定在5.23的上海ComiCup 6上,摊位号: N-11
广州5.30 ADSL,摊位号:33

级别: 侠客
只看该作者 5楼 发表于: 2003-10-27
级别: 新手上路
只看该作者 6楼 发表于: 2003-10-27

级别: 圣骑士
只看该作者 7楼 发表于: 2003-10-27
级别: 侠客
只看该作者 8楼 发表于: 2003-11-02

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