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级别: 小荷初露
级别: 工作组
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2003-02-18

级别: 精灵王
只看该作者 2楼 发表于: 2003-02-18

keiwo.3322.org list/list
级别: 精灵王
只看该作者 3楼 发表于: 2003-02-18

漫游御姐党群:49686332 验证:PPG ID

级别: 工作组
只看该作者 4楼 发表于: 2003-02-18
最初由 wawdj 发布

快了快了~ 先看看changelog吧

Revision 1.75 (1.76不翼而飛), Mon Feb 17 19:36:49 2003 UTC (20 hours, 3 minutes ago) by cax2
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.74: +3 -0 lines
replaced missing changelog...

BUGFIX: now 'release' is also displayed in the queue, instead of 'very high'[Cax2]
BUGFIX: overhead display correctly shown in systray tooltip[Cax2]
FEATURE: aqua progress bars - select [-5] in the 3d bar style[Cax2]
FIX: : The memory leak looks like finaly fixed , also this prevent's from adding same
source twice or more to the Download list view .[Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: Old SLS code can be easily removed now [kuchin]
BUGFIX: download optimizations, security fixes [obaldin]
MERGE: 26d [obaldin]
BUGFIX: SF and RF ratios now shown correctly in upload queue[Cax2]
FEATURE: Added file type search to Filedonkey search[Cax2]
FEATURE: Added jigle parameters to search code[Cax2]
FIX:Fixed a memory leak (tnx prev. change :)) in DownloadListClrl.cpp - list items was not
deleted on exit [Lord KiRon]. Fix is not complete there is still some small leak there.
CHANGE : Added instumentation (same as in 0.25b and higher) to debug memory leaks , a lot of
small changes in a lot of files , so guys if you will have problem merging your code
don't blaim me :), blaim Melkur who forgot to put this standard mechanism in original
code :) [Lord KiRon].
FEATURE: WebServer: Added templates version check [kuchin]
FEATURE: Added jigle parameters to search code [Cax2]
CHANGE: Put automatic save of known files into a different thread at low prioraty , should reduce
CPU load , may produce new sync bugs too :) [Lord KiRon]
FEATURE: added xrmb's Smart Open [DonGato]
FIX : Some fixes in ClientDetail dialog text positions. [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: In ClientInfo dialog the "Currently downloading" shown only if client really downloads
at this time , otherwise (if it sits in queue) the "Waiting to download" shown. [Lord KiRon].
FIX : Proper display of ALL Hybrid versions . [Lord KiRon].
FIX : Fixed 2 crashes that occures sometimes when updating/invalidating windows that not yet exists .
Actually they are the sign of something wrong in design but for now it's a quic kfix. [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: better handling of invalid username and port info sent by 'rogue clients' [Vorlost]
BUGFIX: detail dialog now remembers the vertical column position [Cax2]

CHANGE: Now overhead in status bar can be turned on & off [Cax2]
CHANGE: updated Systray menu [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated Systray tooltip [DonGato]
CHANGE: updated Search window [DonGato]

CHANGE: Hybrid client v1432(or v432 in last build) now reported as v43.2 , I am not sure it's
correct but looks reasonable. [Lord KiRon]
BUGFIX: better out-of-disk-space handling. [obaldin]
TRANSLATION NEEDED: for IDS_PENDING and IDS_ERROR_STATE , may be better saggestin for
english term too.
CHANGE: Another step in reorganizing the statistics (clients statistics changes now finished) [Lord KiTon].
FIX : In Debug VS does not asserts any more when quiting the eMule from tray. [Lord KiRon].
********26b i0d*********
FEATURE: WebServer: debug log and statistics (most of it) [kuchin]
FIX: Statistics on "new" clients expended state saved and restored correctly [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: Some structural changes on statistics . [Lord KiRon]
FEATURE: new, improved graphical system tray menu![FoRcHa]
FEATURE: changed up & down display in the statusbar-it now shows overhead all the time[Cax2]
FEATURE: updated the way clients in upload & queue windows are displayed[Cax2]
BUGFIX: column shouldn't be mixed up anymore [Cax2]
BUFGIX: SLS high CPU/disk usage fix [kuchin]
FEATURE: Show the number of parts in upload and queue windows [obaldin]
BUGFIX: Yet another update to upload throttle [obaldin]
BUGFIX: Fix for 100 upload slots on 10k upload [obaldin]
CHANGE: Partially redesigned Statistics to make the code more readable :) and easier to change
only phase1 implemented - need more changes . [Lord KiRon]
FEATURE: Added support to show ALL clients and ALL clients version in statistics (both NT and
Win98) Investigation needed yet to determine some versions (like CDonkey's) [Lord KiRon]
MERGE: Massive 26b mergefix, another batch tomorrow [obaldin]
FEATURE: new systray menu[FoRcHa]
BUGFIX: when shutting down windows, emule doesn't ask for confirmation anymore[Cax2]
CHANGE: Control panel settings, various improvements[Cax2]
CHANGE: support for more then one hybrid version (like eMule and eDonkey) in Statistics [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: Hybrid versions shown in "original" format (v44 instead v1044) [Lord KiRon]
FIX : Hybrid client versions are no more shown as a part of eDonkey versions in Statistics.[Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: The comment entered by user himself now show during "Show all comments" too .[Lord KiRon]
FIX: Fixed extreamly dangerouse memory overrun bug related to the Statistics calculations [Lord KiRon]
FIX: Fixed a debug crash (probably some memory overrun in Release) on drawing file Item in Download List
(you can't use a string as a %s parameter to itself in .Format() . [Lord KiRon]
MERGE: Initial port to .26 codebase, some bugfixes & optimizations[Cax2]
BUGFIX: Crash and other fixes [kuchin]
CHANGE: web server settings stored [kuchin]
FEATURE:(experimental) show last time the downloading file had any progress in the tooltip
The files that did not see any progress for a week will be highlighted in red [obaldin]
BUGFIX: Preferences dialog saving options logic fixed [kuchin]
BUGFIX: put in some protection against a strange corruption bug (present since .25) [obaldin]
FEATURE:reask for file by Ottavio84 [obaldin]
BUGFIX: Redraws are disabled on exit. Should speed the exit up and
take care of various crashes during exit. [obaldin]
CHANGE: (or is a FEATURE?) No missing templates warning if Webserver is disabled. [obaldin]
CHANGE: .26 mules are marked with an icon - don't worry, it's only
for debugging purposes, it will go away soon :) [obaldin]
CHANGE: Recognize .26's downloader's parts protocol. Our own system is temporarily disabled. [obaldin]
MERGE:eDonkeyHybrid is recognized in up/down/queue windows.
Need a new icon for it. [obaldin]
MERGE: with 0.26a ;) - eDonkey hybrid Queue position OPCODE processing added (OP_QUEUERANK),
OP_codes comments transferred from eMule original code .[Lord KiRon]
MERGE: with 0.26a : Hybrid and CDonkey client types detection added , icons still needed + fix in statistics .[Lord KiRon]
MERGE: with 0.26a : "No such file" protocol answer added . [Lord KiRon]
MERGE: with 0.26a : Part info retrieved from client requested part.[Lord KiRon]
MERGE: with 0.26a : Added OP_FILEREQANSNOFIL handling .[Lord KiRon]
MERGE: with 0.26a : Added coment exchange part (OP_SETREQFILEID) [Lord KiRon]
FIX: From 0.26a : Memory leak in EMSocket.cpp:OnReceive() [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: added CDonkey string in source details dialog and in list , statistics not changed yey [Lord KiRon]
MERGE FIX: Annesesary (double) call to GetStatistics() removed [Lord KiRon]
MERGE: First upgrade to .26 codebase. [obaldin]
CHANGE: Get fist/last chunk is now a per-file setting [obaldin]
CHANGE: Every variable in preferences has it's own lock [kuchin]
BUGFIX: WebServer: U/D no longer show 65535 when limit is set to 0, it shows Unlimited [EC]
CHANGE: Short path for temp directory not needed anymore[Cax2]
CHANGE: Removed option 'ask on exit', feature always on [Cax2]
CHANGE: Possible compatibility problems when 'transfer full chunk' always on, option put back[Cax2]
BUGFIX: Paused & closed files do not receive sources anymore[Cax2]
BUGFIX: QR sort doesn't show gaps anymore/ 'emule v ?' shows QR[Cax2]
BUGFIX: Plurals shown correctly on delete file confirmation [Cax2]
BUGFIX: Debug log (was Verbose mode) toggle now works properly [Cax2]
BUGFIX: irc window remembers settings[Cax2]
MERGE FIX: extra search options available[Cax2]
FEATURE: log/chat/irc font size now adjustable[Cax2]
FEATURE: added Autoupdate queue list option [DonGato] -> Cax2 should review the sorting code
FEATURE: now debug messages are written to the logfile when enabled [DonGato]
FEATURE: you can set Verbose mode in General preferences [DonGato]
CHANGE: Upload Throttle enabled by default and option removed [DonGato]
CHANGE: Transfer Full Chunk enabled by default and option removed [DonGato]
CHANGE: ICH enabled by default and option removed [DonGato]
CHANGE: mlDonkey behavior now could be enabled or disabled only [DonGato]
CHANGE: Max Connections per 5 Seconds now can be set up to 200 with NT kernel [DonGato]
MERGE FIX: Debug log working, can be set via verbose=1 in prefs...[Cax2]
MERGE FIX: Speed shows properly, the overhead displayed on tooltips [Cax2]
MERGE FIX: Removed duplicate function [Cax2]
MERGE FIX: Removed a bug inside the ban() function [Maverick]
MERGE FIX: Preferences and column settings properly saved & loaded [Cax2]
CHANGE: No more 'punishment' based on 'bot' or low ID [Cax2]
BUGFIX: When completing files, sources cannot be expanded. [Cax2]
BUGFIX: total transferred bytes don't display negative numbers anymore[Katsyonak]
BUGFIX: Minor memory & speed optimizations[Cax2]
BUGFIC: Added .movie and .stats removal when file is deleted [DonGato]
BUGFIX: Fixed too many async connections not to kill the program [pooz]
BUGFIX: Sources are not added any more when stopping file [SyruS]
BUGFIX: Removed duplicate filestatus packet [DoubleT]
BUGFIX: emule 'v0.' and '0.31' shown correctly in Download list [Cax2]
BUGFIX: Windows shutdown fix [MooseTea]
BUGFIX: Solved 'hanging' sources on file completion [Cax2]
BUGFIX: Fixed the repaint bug in the sources [Cax2]
BUGFIX: Display the correct score in the UL queue [Maverick]
BUGFIX: Some crash fixes [kuchin]
BUGFIX: Fixed a problem with server list control that malformed server name or description could cause a crash [pooz]
BUGFIX: Fixed some memory leaks [pooz]
BUGFIX: User hash returned as CString, thus zero byte inside hash truncated it [kuchin]
FEATURE: When file is complete, doubleclick opens it[Cax2]
FEATURE: Minor CPU optimizations throughout...[Maella, Cax2]
FEATURE: Proxy support [Maverick]
FEATURE: Display own UL/DL Ratio in downloadlist [Maverick]
FEATURE: Display yellow plus icons when client itself has UL/DL rating > 1 at the remote client in DL queue [Maverick]
FEATURE: Display mlDonkey Icons in UL and DL queue [Maverick]
FEATURE: Display SmallFile and RareFile Ratio in InfoList [Maverick]
FEATURE: Display own UL/DL rating in InfoList [Maverick]
FEATURE: Display own UL/DL rating in ClientInfo [Maverick]
FEATURE: Do not allow community leeching only 1 community per user allowed. Name must be in brackets username[MyCommunity] [Maverick]
FEATURE: Updated translations [Translators team]
FEATURE/BUGFIX: Preventing two ore more files to complete at the same time [Lord KiRon]
CHANGE: eDonkey is now emulated to anyone except eMule. I had to adapt this since mlDonkey changed their
system how to recognize the other mlDonkey clients. Their new system seems a little mor complex.
I had no time by now to analyze it deeply. But this patch should do it for now and eMule will not have
any disadvantages. [Maverick]
CHANGE: Initial port to .25 basecode. A lot is still missing..[Cax2/kuchin]

级别: 工作组
只看该作者 5楼 发表于: 2003-02-19
不过我还是等emule plus oxygen的新版本


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