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级别: 侠客
Help for Low ID users

What a Low ID is
A Low ID is given to the client by the server because for one reason or another, the client is not accepting incomming connections. In general, the order of information for most software on the internet is for the client computer (yours) to connect to another computer, request information, receive it, then close that connection. However, on eDonkey other clients will connect to you, to request information from you (seemingly backwards). The server you are connected to will help out, and facilitate connections between a Low ID user and a High ID user, but, two Low ID clients can not communicate. This means that many possible file sources are not available to those with Low IDs.

Low ID Test
Depending on server connections, occasionally a Low ID can be assigned, even though the client is having no problems accepting incomming connections. This test web page was created on an open server to test your client. While eDonkey is running visit
and click test. It will attempt to connect to your eDonkey client. If it returns an error a firewall, gateway, router or other is blocking your connecting to eDonkey. This could result in one of two things:
A) You will receive a low ID while connected to eDonkey, and may not
be able to achieve full transfer speeds.
B) You will be unable to connect to the eDonkey network.

To attempt to resolve this issue:

1. Change Ports
Try entering 'port 80' in the message window and restarting eDonkey, it will attempt to connect once again, while this is happening visit http://www.thedonkeynetwork.com/connection_test
again, entering 80 in the port box this time and click test again. Hopefully this time it reports okay. Any port is fine, 80 is chosen as a good test as it is the port used for web transfers, and hence is generally left open. You can try any port you wish

2. Software Firewall
If you are running software like Norton Personal Firewall, Tiny Firewall, Zone Alarm, BlackIce or any other personal firewall software, you may need to set it up to allow eDonkey to function correctly. In order to function fully and receive a High ID, your firewall needs to allow eDonkey to run as a server. Allowing communications to be started from other clients to your machine. You may need to consult the documentation that came with the firewall to perform this step. Alternatively, with some more advanced firewalls, or firewall settings you will need to open ports 4661 and 4662 TCP for both incoming and out going connections, as well as port 4665 UDP for both incoming and outgoing connections.

3. Hardware firewall
Setting up your hardware firewall is a tad more difficult, but if you have one chances are you know what your doing. You will need to set it to allow both incoming and outgoing connections on 4661 & 4662 TCP and port 4665 UDP.

4. Routers & Gateways
If you have tried all of the above steps, and are still receiving a low id, and are running a router or a gateway, set it up to forward the applicable ports directly to the machine running eDonkey.

5. Proxies
Though less common than Firewalls, Routers or Gateways, in terms of causing problems, some internet service providers require you to connect to the internet through a proxy. The proxy information should be available from your Internet Service Provider, though if you are required to use one, chances are you allready have all the information you need. Take a look in your web browser (IE -> tools, internet options, connections, lan settings, Netscape -> edit, advanced, proxies), there should be a wealth of information available there, namely the address, and port of the proxy. By default, a proxy on port 1080 is either socks4 or socks5, while HTTPS proxies exist on either 8000 or 8080.

级别: 侠客
只看该作者 1楼 发表于: 2003-05-26

May the force be with you!

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