-Upload Queue maintenance changed to require less connections
-Upload Queue saved
-Fixed problem of getting firewalled status when you are really open.
-Fixed bug when asking for the multiple files from the same person
-Fixed problem publishing shared files to the server
-Drops connections that are idling when max connections reached
-Sources saved if they are gone and when you pause a file
-Download view Select all improved
-Buttons Tooltips were disappearing when you clicked on the buttons
-More results fixed for servers
-Some optimizations to reduce CPU
-Connections listed in status bar
-Tightened up the different stats distances
-Server List sorted correctly again (on startup)
-Got rid of pause in Get Servers dialog
-Friends Double click views dirs/files
-Removed "flash" when you view dirs
-List is stable now (won't "forgot" which folders you had expanded when new results come in, etc)
-Graph options Max set to ~10,000 mins = 1 week
-Plugins Multiple plugins now work (sorry guys)
-Catching crashy plugins and disabling
-New plugin base classes (ISharedHandler2, ISearchHandler)
-Transfer, friends Auto resizing double click headers
-Lingering process bug should be solved.
-UI.xml Will place version comments to help skin writers know what changed from version to version
-Menus Re-arranged a bunch of menus (PLEASE FIX YOUR UI.XML OR ELSE EVERYTHING WILL BREAK!)
-Delete now moves files to recycle bin
-Run re-added to download view
-Headers Sometimes the arrows would be cut off (ID in Friends list)
-Search Clicking on tabs fills in the search box with the text
-Individual tabs now remember their sorting preferences
-Console echo command will work with multi word things now (for plugin writers)
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