嗯,不過要小心那個secure user identification,以前的0.29c沒開的話就要謹慎一點咯。
Feature list
= Reconnect on LowID [Tarod/sivka]
= AntiCrash/AntiFake handling [Vorlost/sivka] (see below)
= don't interrupt upload if waiting queue empty or friend-slot [P.O.W./sivka]
= new upload priorities and tweaked credit system - report you experience !!!
= Save/Load sources [enkeyDEV(Ottavio84) -New SLS-] (see below)
= now you can modify MIN and MAX upload slots 2...100
= Maximum allowed Queue Rating <= X, you can set value X = 5...5000.
= download Stops Prematurely, if send full chuncks is enabled [jicxicmic/Maella]{11.03.03}
= AutoPriority based on Valid Sources: HIGH = 0...40, NORMAL = 41...160, LOW = 161...1000 (see below)
= extended handling for NNS, FQS and HighQRS sources (see below)
= Keep Ip-filtered Clients Out Of Queues [Harvey56]
= fakecheck Donkey-Fakes.de.vu + Jigle.com [Interceptor]
= Defeat 0-filled Part Senders [(Idea of xrmb) / Maella]{18.03.03}
= Anti-/Community Array (see below)
= Valid Sources, Friends and Community User can always entry the waiting queue
= A4AF-counter ahead of user nick
= "Swap A4Af to any other file" (I had implemented it for testing the routine, if it not usefull I will remove it)
= now paused files use the "Swap A4Af to another file" function
= new (two way) A4AF handling made by sivka [based on ideas from Tarod/enkeyDEV(Ottavio84)]
= possiblity to see requested downloading and uploading files from remote client
= Support for tag ET_MOD_VERSION 0x55 [Maella]
= Overwrite Already Downloaded Parts And Chunk [emarc]
= multiple_instances [khaos]
= Disable Sources eXchange [Tarod]
= sends sources with LowID that are in same sever that client is requesting sources [Tarod]
= do not send incomplete established conns. to avoid sending no valid sources [Tarod]
= Webservices Menuseparator, searches for -,- and adds separator menu [rasmoe/SlugFiller]
= client refresh [Fusion Team]
= spanish tradiction [ikabot]
= update friends list on add [InterCeptor]
FEATURE: variety Release Priorities for Shared files
= altogether has sivka MOD 10 priorities for shared files:
= VERY LOW x1,
= LOW x2,
= NORMAL x4,
= HIGH x8,
= RELEASE x16(standard), RELEASE x32, RELEASE x64, RELEASE x128, RELEASE x256, RELEASE x512
= RELEASE x16 is standard, for powersharing you can select under "sivka settings" you fovorite factor.
= user, who request for release-prio file, can allways enter you waitingqueue.
FEATURE: Anti-/Community Array
= Communities Credits are pushed by 2x and Anti-Communities Crediets reduce by 2x
= AntiCommunity user don't get reward of Credits
= now you can push multiple Communities
= you can separate Communities with "|"
= allowed max 255 characters
FEATURE: AntiFake handling (read again, was changed in v9b1)
= add "UserFakedHisPort" to head of clients name, that tried to fake his port
= banning for fake port, can be manual UnBan but not Auto-UnBan,
= you can see messages only in verbose modus.
= the cheater will never see the waitqueue from inside
FEATURE: AutoPriority based on Valid Sources
= on hard limit column you can see Valid Sources/Hard Limit
= variable Hard Limit with auto-function (50...1000, in-/decrease depend on priority of DL-file),
= updating of Hard Limit is depended on Timer value,
= Hard Limit per file will be initiate with value from usual used Hard Limit in preferences
Valid Sources = 10...20, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 50...125, growth about 25%
Valid Sources = 21...30, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 84...144, growth about 20%
Valid Sources = 31...40, AutoPR => AutoHL = 103...154, growth about 15%
Valid Sources = 41...260, ManualPR => AutoHL = 103...1000, growth about 15%
Otherwise AutoHL decrease about 1% every TimerValue to 50.
Valid Sources = 17...55, ManualPR => AutoHL = 50...172, growth about 10%
Valid Sources = 41...55, AutoPR => AutoHL = 118...172, growth about 10%
Valid Sources = 56...75, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 140...203, growth about 9%
Valid Sources = 76...100, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 169...239, growth about 8%
Valid Sources = 101...130, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 202...278, growth about 7%
Valid Sources = 131...160, AutoPR => AutoHL = 238...307, growth about 6%
Valid Sources = 161...519, ManualPR => AutoHL = 238...1000, growth about 6%
Otherwise AutoHL decrease about 1% every TimerValue to 50.
Valid Sources = 30...195, ManualPR => AutoHL = 50...341, growth about 5%
Valid Sources = 161...195, AutoPR => AutoHL = 268...341, growth about 5%
Valid Sources = 196...235, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 301...375, growth about 4%
Valid Sources = 236...280, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 337...412, growth about 3%
Valid Sources = 281...330, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 374...448, growth about 2%
Valid Sources = 331...792, AutoPR & ManualPR => AutoHL = 413...1000, growth about 1%
Otherwise AutoHL decrease about 1% every TimerValue to 50.
FEATURE: extended handling for NNS, FQS and HighQRS sources
= Separat Timers for AutoHL, AutoNNS, AutoFQS and AutoHQRS (0...60 sec)
= Not Needed Sources (NNS)
Auto-Drop NNS only from DL Queue
Auto-Drop if NNS > X%
you can set for X% = 50%...100%,
only one NNS every Timer unit, Timer = 0 drop all immediately,
Auto-Drop and Manual-Drop NNS,
trying to swap to another file,
CleanUp and Manual-Drop NNS have not restrictions (clean all NNS),
CleanUp and Manual-Drop NNS with enableable Beep (acoustic signal on droping NNS).
= Full Queue Sources (FQS)
Auto-Drop FQS only from DL Queue,
Auto-Drop if FQS > X%,
you can set for X% = 50%...100%,
only one FQS every Timer unit, Timer = 0 drop all immediately,
Auto-Drop and Manual-Drop FQS,
CleanUp and Manual-Drop FQS have not restrictions (clean all FQS),
CleanUp and Manual-Drop FQS with enableable Beep.
= High Queue Rating Sources (HQRS)
Auto-Drop HQRS only from DL Queue,
Auto-Drop if HQRS > X% and first highest Queue Rating Source,
you can set for X% = 50%...100%,
only one HQRS every Timer unit, Timer = 0 drop all immediately,
Auto-Drop and Manual-Drop HQRS,
CleanUp and Manual-Drop HQRS have not restrictions (clean all HQRS),
CleanUp and Manual-Drop HQRS with enableable Beep.
FEATURE: Save/Load sources
= Save/Load works only on HIGH priority
= Save only Valid Sources, max. 35 VS